John McCain Can Only Focus On One Thing At A Time

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
So he is suspending his campaign and wants to cancel the debate, so he can work on the economic crisis. Now this is a great way to get the attention off how he helped cause it, and get the attention off upcoming op-eds about his Keating Five affair.

If he were to be President he would have two wars, the Country, the economy and everything thing else that the President deals with. He would have to deal with these issues at the same time. So if he can't work on this and debate at the same time how can he be President. He has to drop everything and dive in? While other important events are also happening? No, you do what any good leader does, you delegate your time. He is not a good leader so he doesn't get that.

This is not however what he makes it out to be. The press will still cover him and this is just a part or stunt of what will be his ongoing campaign. Shoot they accidentally sent the press their talking points for their people on how to campaign while it is supposedly suspended. It is a joke, he is just trying to show that he is taking leadership. Well a true leader would work on the economy and still have time to debate later in the evening.

Obama is right, now is the time we need to hear what they think more than ever. This is nothing but a political stunt by John McCain to change the conversation about his deregulator status all these years. I hope it backfires on him too.

Thanks to John McCain this was
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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