Prop 8 proponents seek to nullify same-sex marriages

Friday, December 19, 2008;jsessionid=E246DD2663415BAF09941976D915DB9B.live5ib

These assholes just don't know when to stop. Its like ok we took away their rights now let's really drop the hammer on them. I thought Jesus supposedly taught love and acceptance? So why are these religious nuts doing the opposite? Because it has nothing to do with their religion and everything to do with their own bigotry.

Bristol Palin's Boyfriends Mom Jailed For Drugs

Ill bet it was Meth. I'm guessing it was Levi's house all those teen drinking pictures were taken at.

Police confirm remains are Caylee Anthony;jsessionid=12B3D09F4D0AF9C3219DA9614A1B3164.live23ib

This so fricken sad...

JFK & Timothy Leary

I would not doubt it...

Did JFK Get Drugs from Timothy Leary?

New Timothy Leary writings surfaced in a new book, and its editor tells the story of a woman who "involved Leary in a successful conspiracy to turn John F. Kennedy on to LSD."

Its one of many startling revelations in a new interview, in which he also notes that Time magazine published an article last year titled "Was Timothy Leary right?"

The book's editor thinks Leary would be delighted by today's re-evaluation of psychedelics. "...with the growing awareness of the destructive nature of drug prohibition, it seemed wise to try to make this a fairly serious contribution to our collective knowledge and thinking regarding drugs."


Goldman Sachs Ready to Hand Out 7bn Salary and Bonus Package

So awesome that we bailed them out...

Goldman Sachs Ready to Hand Out £7bn Salary and Bonus Package ... After its £6bn Bailout

Goldman Sachs is on course to pay its top City bankers multimillion-pound bonuses — despite asking the U.S. government for an emergency bail-out.

The struggling Wall Street bank has set aside £7billion for salaries and 2008 year-end bonuses, it emerged yesterday.

Each of the firm's 443 partners is on course to pocket an average Christmas bonus of more than £3million.

The size of the pay pool comfortably dwarfs the £6.1billion lifeline which the U.S. government is throwing to Goldman as part of its £430billion bail-out.

As Washington pours money into the bank, the cash will immediately be channeled to Goldman's already well-heeled employees.


Muslim Woman Jailed For Head Scarf

Georgia Judge Jails Muslim Woman Over Head Scarf

by: Dionne Walker, The Associated Press

Lisa Valentine was arrested Tuesday for contempt of court for refusing to take off her head scarf. (Photo: AP / John Amis)

Atlanta - A Muslim woman arrested for refusing to take off her head scarf at a courthouse security checkpoint said Wednesday that she felt her human and civil rights were violated. A judge ordered Lisa Valentine, 40, to serve 10 days in jail for contempt of court, said police in Douglasville, a city of about 20,000 people on Atlanta's west suburban outskirts.

Valentine violated a court policy that prohibits people from wearing any headgear in court, police said after they arrested her Tuesday.

Kelley Jackson, a spokeswoman for Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker, said state law doesn't permit or prohibit head scarfs.

"It's at the discretion of the judge and the sheriffs and is up to the security officers in the court house to enforce their decision," she said.

Valentine, who recently moved to Georgia from New Haven, Connecticut, said the incident reminded her of stories she'd heard of the civil rights-era South.

"I just felt stripped of my civil, my human rights," she said Wednesday from her home. She said she was unexpectedly released after the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations urged federal authorities to investigate the incident as well as others in Georgia.

The group cited a report that the same judge removed a woman and her 14-year-old daughter from the courtroom last week because they were wearing Muslim head scarves.

Jail officials declined to say why she was freed and municipal Court Judge Keith Rollins said that "it would not be appropriate" for him to comment on the case.

Last year, a judge in Valdosta in southern Georgia barred a Muslim woman from entering a courtroom because she would not remove her head scarf. There have been similar cases in other states, including Michigan, where a Muslim woman in Detroit filed a federal lawsuit in February 2007 after a judge dismissed her small-claims court case when she refused to remove a head and face veil.

Valentine's husband, Omar Hall, said his wife was accompanying her nephew to a traffic citation hearing when officials stopped her at the metal detector and told her she would not be allowed in the courtroom with the head scarf, known as a hijab.

Hall said Valentine, an insurance underwriter, told the bailiff that she had been in courtrooms before with the scarf on and that removing it would be a religious violation. When she turned to leave and uttered an expletive, Hall said a bailiff handcuffed her and took her before the judge.

Cheney Throws Down Gauntlet, Defies Prosecution for War Crimes

t r u t h o u t | Cheney Throws Down Gauntlet, Defies Prosecution for War Crimes

Something has to be done...

California Supreme Court allows good Samaritans to be sued for nonmedical care

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seriously?? Who would even do that...

U.S. issues controversial abortion "conscience" rule

Another little gift from George W Bush. Your favorite Country killer. I have this to say, if a Dr.'s Religion prevents him from doing a legal medical procedure and he is qualified then he shouldn't be a Dr. Period. If you can't set aside your feelings to perform then you shouldn't do the job. They took an Oath and it should be followed. Its that simple.

What Condition My Condition Was In...

A 30 Point Buck?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sock And Awe

See how many times you can hit Bush with a shoe...

Einstein Was Right
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Ice melting across globe at accelerating rate - NASA;jsessionid=5F615C15BC603C4D31CA18DE51CC25C4.live23i

Lame ...

2 chickens break up rabbit fight!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pygmy Rabbits Are Cool

Look at this little guy

Spokesman: Jackson Jr. a past informant in Illinois probe;jsessionid=1D492EE090337AE78FA40E41B637241E.live4ib

That's got to suck having your name mentioned in the same breath as Blagojevich...

The Whistleblower Who Exposed Warrantless Wiretaps Revealed

Monday, December 15, 2008

Scary shit. Great read.

Employer: Anti-kidnapping consultant kidnapped in Mexico;jsessionid=2D93A394F4ED9B0EBDD69EC6F07BC27D.live7ib

Well that's ironic...

McCain: I can't promise to support Palin for president

Sunday, December 14, 2008;jsessionid=C6F9208CBEB257585675FA5489A83FFA.live5i

Ha ha ha

This proves she was just a stunt. How funny I wonder how she's gonna respond. Too funny...

Angry Iraqi throws shoes at Bush in Baghdad;jsessionid=C6F9208CBEB257585675FA5489A83FFA.live5i

That's so rad...