Republicans Trying Their Hardest To Suppress Vote In Ohio

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Actually they are trying to suppress the vote all around the Country. Especially in swing states and Republican states that look to go towards Obama. They are desperate to hold on to power and will use any means to stay their. The only thing unfair in these elections is the rampant efforts by Republicans to suppress and disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters. How else can a party that is in the minority in this Country win? They try and keep people that don't think like them from voting.

Those people are usually the poor and lower to middle class. These people also have more circumstances that make challenging their eligibility easier for Republicans. It has worked for them and they continue to use it. From requiring drivers license to vote to trying to prevent people with fore closed homes from voting. Fact is Republicans can only win generally by suppressing the vote. They will continue to do this as long as they are allowed to get away with it.

If you live in a County where you see this happening, let people know. Call the press and let them know. The only way it will be stopped is if people shine the spotlight on the people doing it and show it for what it is. Keeping Americans from voting to keep a minority Party in power. Funny enough it happens to be the party of the rich and the well to do. A party whose candidates won't even run under the name Republican this year.


Michelle Bachman : Congress Needs To Be Investigated For Patriotism

Michelle Bachman a state representative from Minnesota, who last month on the House floor blamed the current economic crisis on minorities, now has a new line.

Speaking on behalf of the McCain Campaign Friday to Chris Matthews, she said Congress needed to be investigated for non patriotic members. In a nutshell Republicans and Pro-American and Democrats are not. If these statements sound scary to you, that's because they are.

Republicans in total desperation are now settling on class warfare and calling fellow Americans Un-American to try and stop their dwindling campaign chances. They are even starting to call Obama and Democrats Socialists. They are going back to the days of McCarthyism. Funny that it starts with another 'Mc' name. This a dangerous campaign tactic designed to split Americans apart. This is what the Republicans think they need to do to win.

Well I say us voters tell the Republicans exactly what we think of their campaign tactics and divisive accusations and statements. Vote them out!!

San Diego, that starts with voting out Duncan Hunter. All his friends are now in jail or under investigation. Its time his representation of San Diego ends.

Palin Against Beluga Whales Going On Endangered List

Sarah Palin is against the Beluga Whale being put on the endangered species list because it will get in the way of oil drilling. Well I guess she has her priorities. Drilling is number one screw the Polar Bears or the Beluga Whale.

I am disgusted that a person like this is even the Governor of a state.

John McCains First Wife

Friday, October 17, 2008

Nailin Palin

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Alfred E. Smith Video : Obama & McCain Roast One Another

Both these guys were really funny. Obama still seemed to make the more Presidential speech of the two after the jokes, but McCain was funny and looked like he enjoyed himself for the most part. McCain actually spoke first so you might want to watch his video first.

  • McCain Part 1

  • McCain Part 2

  • Obama Part 1

  • Obama Part 2

As Seen At Starbucks

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Starbucks, 30th and El Cajon Blvd.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Humanitainment : Baracky 2 & The Name Game

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