Democrats Ignore Constitution; Giftwrap Telco Immunity For Bush

Thursday, June 19, 2008
I touched on this in my last post. It really upsets me and I really think that the Democrats and the Republicans that voted or will vote for this, should in turn be voted out of office. We do not need this kind of representation. They work for us and it is about time we make them aware of this fact that most have forgotten in Washington. Our votes hold the power Our votes and Our willpower can bring an end to this flagrant dismissal of the very core our country is built on. Our Constitution and our laws. This does not have to go on at Our expense anymore. They work for us do not ever forget that.

John McCain and the "Bull!@#$ Express" On Campaign Finance Reform

The Bullshit Express steamed through the topic of campaign finance reform today, and it was McCain at his usual. For someone that has some pretty shady stuff and lawsuits concerning his campaign financing, it takes some gall to try and call out Obama on "Going Back On His Word". Especially when that is what John McCain does best. There is plenty of proof on that subject too. In fact it comes out almost daily. The more I hear John McCain talk the more he disgusts me as a person and a politician.

I just hope his lies are as transparent to others as they are to me. Although it doesn't take long to do a search and find John McCain lying on a regular basis. Whether it's going back on offshore drilling, going back on the bush tax cuts, going back on what he said the day before. I used to have some respect for him and felt bad the way Bush drug him through the mud in 2000. But the truth is the man, while being a war "hero" or prisoner, is a criminal. He knowingly kept a lid on the fleecing of Americans in the Keating Five affair. He also got off scott free on that. If he did not have the best interests of the American people in his mind then what makes someone think he will now?

A quick search through AZ news will show you a wealth of information on his dealings with land developers in his home state. His priority is himself, his friends, his republican party, and the twisted ideology that has taken control of the Republican Party.

His presence in our government can be brought to a much needed conclusion though... By voting.

That also goes for the Republicans and Democrats that sold us and our Constitution out on F.I.S.A today. How? By backing a "compromise" granting immunity to the Telcoms, and basically gutting the F.I.S.A. court process, they have failed to do their job and betrayed their oath to the Constitution and to Us. Instead of doing the right thing and sticking with the no immunity clause. They instead sided with the large pockets of the Telcom companies, and decided to protect them from the consequences of helping Bush & Co. break the law. A very sad day in our history and a Giant leap backwards on our personal privacy. It should be allowed to go to court. So we may be given a chance to find out what went on, who did it, and how to make it so it never happens again. Because the rapidly expanding powers of the President and his ability to shun the Constitution when he sees fit; Is not what our founding fathers had in mind. Whether it be peacetime or wartime our Constitution works, without having to bend or ignore portions of it.

Ok and now more Campaign Finance reform...

Bloggasm Interview Regarding F.I.S.A.

I received an email from Simon over at Bloggasm about a recent interview he did regarding F.I.S.A.. It is very good and very informative, definitely worth a look. Here is the email with the info including links to the interview and Bloggasm Home page.

Hey Pappalardo,

I saw your post today about the new coalition that's raising money to fight the new telecom amnesty bill. I recently interviewed three of its members -- including a spokesperson from the ACLU -- and wrote an article about my conversation with them. It's published over here:

Anyway, I thought this was something you and your readers would find interesting.

Take care,


A Rainbow Over Washington : Tim Russert

A Rainbow Showed itself today over Washington in a perfect moment on a day of remembrance for Tim Russert. I have to say it chokes me up. It's almost strange to feel such sadness for a man I never knew but in a way i felt like I knew forever. He played it simple, he went for the truth. I hope others follow his lead. Here is some bits of the Wake...

The Rainbow is at the end, It really is an amazing sight, and Incredible set of circumstances leading up to it.

How John McCain & Friends Helped Raise Gas Prices

...And apparently will continue to do so.

I'm Voting Republican

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
This is really funny...


I'm Voting Republican


Midwest Floods, Our President Plays Basketball?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
First of all my sympathies go out to all the people that have been affected in the floods, and just plain horrible weather period that the central part of our country has been experiencing. I wanted to know how the people either in charge, or running to be in charge responded. This is some of what I found out.

This weekend our Mid-West, already flooded, prepared for more flooding due to weather and levees that are failing or are near failing. You would think our President would be out there promising help and checking out the situation. You know with so much of our fellow Americans lives, homes, jobs and way of life at stake. Not to mention a huge chunk of our Nations infrastructure at stake as well. You would think that would be the most logical thing right? Not our President, he plays by his own... well..

He instead played some basketball with kids in Northern Ireland, While on an extended European vacation slash good bye tour. Sometimes you got to know when your needed at home.

OK so how about the Would-Be's?

On the same day, John McCain attended a private fundraiser in Riverside, California, and blasted a press release of "sympathy" to Midwestern victims of the floods that have devastated crops, homes, churches, businesses, and lives-- most especially in the flood epicenter of Iowa, a 'must-win' battleground state this fall for both McCain and Obama.

Photo Unrelated To Story

Oh! He also promised to "stand ready to help those in the Midwest to recover and rebuild."


And how say you Mr. Obama...

Great Photo-Op and he really get's to help out, and brings coverage, support, and masses of volunteers to help out.

Pentagon Tests Unproven Drugs On Veterans

Side effects may include suicide???

King George

Ha Ha Ha Ha .. I had to put this up too funny.

John McCain's Solution For Oil Dependency...

...Is to lift the ban on offshore oil drilling and thus increase oil production and further our reliance on oil. Totally genius!

Looks like the Republicans are trying to use high gas prices to sucker voters into going for offshore drilling. Leaving out the fact that it would take around ten years before you would see any production, the environmental issues they bring and the complete eyesore they are. They will tout this as the "Solution" to high gas prices immediately, even though you would not see the benefit for ten years. So their solution is to Produce more oil while at the same time they talk about lowering our dependence on oil?? My head hurts.

Issa Invokes Tim Russert In Plea For Drilling

Today on Russert watch... California (R)Rep. Darrell Issa Invoked Tim Russert's name five times in a speech on the house floor. Why you ask? The speech was supposed to be about honoring Tim, Darrell figured he would use it to push lifting the ban on offshore drilling. So if you would like to share your feelings on that or just offshore drilling in general, You can contact him here

Here is the partial text and video ...

"We are going to miss Tim Russert when it comes to the people on both sides of the issue of why we have $5 oil ... $5 gasoline and $135 oil. I think Tim Russert would have been just the right guy to hold people accountable, who would talk about the 68 million acres that are, quote, inactive, while in fact 41 million are under current lease and use and are producing millions of barrels of oil and natural gas a day.

So, Madam Speaker, I am going to miss Tim Russert because this debate is too important not to have a fact-oriented, unbiased moderator who could in fact bring to bear the truth that we need to have."

Madam Speaker,
I would like to take this time to make fun of Darrell Issa.

Gore Endorses Obama : Video

Monday, June 16, 2008
The Obama site had a live feed that I had posted here, but it never replayed after it finished so I took it down. Here is The best I can find so far...

FOX Morning News Dismisses Tim Russert As "Liberal Media"

Does it really surprise you? Just 2 days after his death. Could not even wait for the funeral. Not to mention totally contradicting their own "news" heads statements Saturday and Sunday. Totally... expected I guess

Still looking for the video of the actual statements, When I get it I'll post it.


Looks like no one bothers to record FOX&Friends, Not even FOX. There appears to be no video of this that I can find. So maybe it will surface later but I am considering this closed. If it is true it is very disrespectful and I'll leave it at that. I will say in response to a .. or the comment, that the rest of FOX News reaction that I have seen searching for the video of this was heartfelt and respectful.

If someone does find it put the link in the comments. I am curious to see the full context of what was said.

Update 2:

Ok I guess this is it

John McCain & Friends : Clayton Williams

My Friends, It seems our good friend John McCain was supposed to have a fundraiser tonight at the home of a Texas oilman and friend, Clayton Williams. A man who while running for Governor said this about rape,

“As long as it’s inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it.”

He also had this to say about his opponent Ann Richards, while relating her to a cow he said he would,

"head her and hoof her and drag her through the dirt."

So now funny enough McCain is canceling or setting for a later date the fundraiser. Looks like McCain might have some problems finding women to vote for him hanging out with such open minds as Clayton Williams. So for all you women who were thinking about voting for John McCain you might want to think again. Not only has McCain voted against breast cancer research bills (although this one could be conceived as cherry picking through his votes.) but McCain also opposes Roe vs. Wade. Plus with friends like Clayton and the rumors of him (McCain) calling his wife a "trollup" and a "cunt" in front of Secret Service. Seems to me just one of the many reasons why John McCain should not be President .. Or so I think.

Official story is Here

Update: McCain's campaign is also refusing to give back or donate the money ($300,000) to charity, that was raised or donated by Clayton himself thus far. Guess that counts out future monies too? You know, after they hold the fundraiser when no one is looking.

I did want to point out that the reason I am highlighting this is not so much about McCain's fundraisers. Because I realize that is an easy topic to go after politicians on because some they have no control over. I mean Obama had Rezko donating money to his Senate campaign. But the reason I bring this up as an issue is because, Clayton Williams views and statements have been around for 18 years or more. Those statements were made in 1990. The scary thing is about how his advisers did so little to prepare by vetting this man. John McCain is running for President of the United States of America. Where preparation will be more important than ever and the ability to choose people who can help you prepare thoroughly for world leaders, and world and national issues is of huge importance.

If McCain or his staff cannot even prepare and vet a fundraiser properly, who's house McCain will be holding the event at I might add; where McCain will be personally. What does that say about what his time in office would be like? Would he or his staff give some deal to a shady world leader because he or they failed to research him correctly?? This is a failure on all levels and if the campaign knew and overlooked these statements just for the money than that is even worse. So what I am saying is these issues not only are about the people he keeps company with but also the failure of him or his staff to properly research and prepare for the people he deals with. Because these inadequacies will be even more magnified if he were to be elected.

Al Gore Will Endorse Obama Today

Looks like Al is going to endorse Obama in Detroit tonight around 8:30 EST. Well all I can say is ... It's about time. Of course I'm sure the Al for V.P. mantra will swell again with this, But I personally don't think it will happen. As for the endorsement a good thing it is. Even if it is a little late.

Story and a letter from Gore Here