Are you serious? What kind of religion condemns the fair treatment of women? The excuse they gave is even more archaic. This is just another example of why I'm proud to say I am an Atheist...
Women should be able to be Pope if they wanted to, and the whole Jesus only had men as Apostles line doesn't match with several gospels found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Notably the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Philip. The Vatican tweaked the history in the beginnings because they DID NOT feel women were equal. It is all based on MAN or MEN trying to assert dominance over women. It's not about Jesus because if it was women would of held high positions from the beginning. Anyone who feels that Jesus would withhold women from prominant positions in a church is not understanding the words or teachings of Jesus. Besides the fact that I think that Jesus would be apalled by churches and how institutionalized religion has become.
From what I read Jesus didn't want people worshipping in a church. He was about fellowship, His idea of a church was people being with people and helping each other. In simple terms you can have your church wherever you share company with others. Worship life and your neighbor's wellbeing to make the world a better place. Not have rituals and symbols and all the excess that began with the adoption of Christianity by Rome, and has lasted until the present.
The Ironic thing is that the one group that followed the teachings of Jesus the closest; The Cathars were slaughtered by other Christians, In part because of the prominent roles women held in their society. They were slaughtered as heretics. Thus freeing other Christians to reinvent the teachings of Jesus to match their own beliefs more suitably. The same has also been done by every Christian group around the world. The word has been twisted or reinterpreted to either match the changing times or match more with various groups beliefs. Not to mention that many of the original interpretations of the Bible are incorrect. In many cases the the authors replaced words they could not interpret or inserted their own text in the re-writings of Gospels and written texts that ultimately came together to become the Bible.
I think people need to re-read what they preach, Because I think some major messages have been missed or looked over. Keeping women as second class citizens is not a Moral I would pass on to my children. No matter how you try and spin it or rationalize it, That is precisely what is occuring right now.
By Phil Stewart
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican on Tuesday strongly criticised the Church of England's plan to ordain women bishops, describing it as a historic break from Christian doctrine that will drive Anglicans and Catholics further apart.
The governing body of the Church of England, the mother Church of world Anglicanism, confirmed on Monday it will ordain women to the powerful rank of bishop -- albeit with compromise measures to appease traditionalists in its own ranks.
As in the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican bishops have the ability to ordain priests.
The decision widens the divide between Catholic and Anglican Churches, which had been making efforts to advance dialogue in recent years despite thorny issues such as gay Anglican clergy.
"For the future, this decision will have consequences for dialogue, which until now had borne much fruit," the Vatican office for promoting Christian unity said in a statement.
"Such a decision is a break with apostolic tradition maintained in all of the Churches in the first millennium, and is therefore a further obstacle for reconciliation between the Catholic Church and the Church of England."
The Roman Catholic Church says women cannot enter the priesthood because Christ chose only men as his apostles -- a point it drove home in May with a decree punishing attempts to ordain women priests with automatic excommunication.
But the Church of England approved ordination of women priests in 1992 and today one in six of England's parish priests is a woman. Liberals say it is insulting now not to admit them to positions of power, and point to Anglicans in Canada, the United States and New Zealand, who already have women bishops.