McCain & Team Have Many Ties To Gambling

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Explains the way he runs his campaign. He loves to gamble.

U.S. Troops In Homeland “Crowd Control” Patrols Starting October 1st

That's right the American military will be patrolling American streets for crowd control and insurgencies. This I thought was illegal, but I'm sure the Patriot Act is responsible for this being able to happen.

I always suspected Bush would try and screw with the election somehow. Either by bombing Iran ourselves or through Israel, and then suspending elections during a time of grave danger or some bullshit. I don't know the real reason for all this but I know it can't be good.

My prediction about this though is that something is going to happen with the election, and they want troops on the streets to quell any uprisings. I hope I'm wrong, but US military patrolling American streets cannot be for a good thing. I also would put nothing past Bush or the Republicans to hold on to the White House.

House Republican Bailout Plan : Less Regulation

That's right, the Republicans big plan centers on easing tax laws for businesses and less regulation for businesses. The issue that was caused by deregulation, house Republicans are now trying to fix with more deregulation. That is all they know, that is their fix for everything. Well we saw what more deregulation does to our economy. You would think they would get it or learn from their mistakes.

I think this bailout stinks period, but for Republicans to offer up a plan of deregulation as a solution to a problem that was caused by deregulation. Well it just really blows my mind. How out of touch with the American people can they be. Their solutions show it all. Very out of touch.

McCain Never Looked At Obama During Debate

Friday, September 26, 2008
Throughout the whole debate John McCain never looked at Barack Obama. Obama engaged McCain directly several times and looked and spoke at him frequently after some initial prompting from Jim Lehrer. If you can't look your opponents in the eye why are you running for President. I think that he was lying about Obama's record so much, he couldn't look at him. Out of shame.

I think John McCains emotional issues were on display tonight for all to see. I can't wait until the VP debate.

John McCain Admits Torture In Debate

Maybe he was mad, maybe he forgot. But John McCain admitted what the administration has consistently denied tonight, by saying we needed better trained interrogator's so we don't ever torture another prisoner Again.

I seem to recall John McCain saying we didn't torture at some point as well. Looks like he let the cat out of the bag this time.

Thanks to John McCain this was
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McCain Lying His Butt Off In Debate

John McCain has made so many untrue statements in this debate. I so hope someone is keeping track of it all at FactCheck or somewhere else. Oh I can't wait to see the reviews of this. Obama is hitting him pretty hard. McCain looks over his head, Obama is a lot smarter and it is glaring.

Thanks to John McCain this was
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Republican Calls For Palin To Quit

I think most people have seen what a joke she is by now...

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Here is a real conversation killer....

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