Sarah Palin's Preacher Problem

Friday, September 19, 2008
If you thought Reverend Wright was Interesting wait till you get a load of Sarah Palin's Preacher. It seems he publicly called a woman a witch and said she was causing car accidents with witchcraft. There is more much more. I most definitely will be posting all the details as they come out, or as soon as I have the energy to go find it all.

It seems though that he is a some sort of demon chaser, literally, went to Africa to chase Demons. Palin loves him, saying to a crowd at her church That he laid his hand on Palin's head and prayed for god to make a way for Palin to take the next step, and she did. Palin thought that was amazing. Nice ...

Thanks to John McCain this was
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Satellite Imagery Casts Doubt On Surge's Success in Baghdad

The surge was only about getting the amount of troops that should of been there in the first place, into Iraq. We went there in the beginning without enough troops there. The Surge was only making up for their mistake. They still haven't gotten the political goals taken care of. Bottom line as long as our troops are there, there will be violence. The majority do not want us there, and that is the Straight Talk...

Because of John McCain this was
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Frame By Frame Of Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Video

This is really cool. The infamous Patterson-Gimlin bigfoot film has been stabilized frame-by-frame to give you a better view of the lumbering woodland beast. worth a look.

Big Foot Video Redone

Google Chrome Easter Egg

In Google Chrome type ...


Think of Ted Stevens

McCain Campaign : "Barrack Obama Fathered Black Children"

Thursday, September 18, 2008
That is the next McCain Campaign press release. They think since it worked against McCain in 2000 it should work against Barack. Try and get the attention off the economy and Spain. Focus on Obama's two girls. Where did they come from? Who was their mother? Hmm That's what John McCain wants to know.

Oh wait he's ... And his wife is ...

His girls should be ... Ohhhhh

Well John McCain knew exactly what color Obama was. He just wanted everyone to know that in case they didn't know, and that his kids were as well. Yeah, but what we really meant was he fathered a white child. Totally swear.

Ha ha ha. Ok so maybe that's a bad joke, I think its funny. After everything else they have come up with, not too much of a stretch. When you start twisting reality like they do everything becomes plausible, screw facts what will make us look good?

The things they have said it's almost like they don't even stop to think if what their saying is even true or not. Whatever comes to mind and go with it, get questioned about it, take it somewhere else. Just make sure to use keywords like us, freedom, enemies, protect and your fine.

McCain strategy 101

Because of John McCain this was
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

McCain Campaign Calls Spain 'Adversaries'

John McCain was asked by a spanish reporter today if he would be willing to meet with the Prime Minister of Spain. He apparently did not know who he was because he stumbled and said among other things that he would meet with any friends of ours in Latin America and oppose those who don't. It was obvious McCain had no idea who Zapatero was.

So the McCain Campaign was asked about this later. Their response was that he knew exactly who the PM of Spain was and John McCain was not about to promise meeting with our adversaries. Now this is the same Spain who has troops in Afghanistan, is a member of the EU, and is our ALLY.

Now it is one thing to not know who the PM of Spain is, but to respond with a lie and call and ally and enemy is just ... Wow. All because they do not want to admit he did not know. They would rather lie and commit more gaffes in the process. These are the people who want to run our Country? Seriously?

I guess we will see what Spain has to say. More on this, I'm sure, is to come.

Because of John McCain this was

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Former 'In The Tank' For McCain Journalist Has Second Thoughts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Damn and this guy admired him and was accused and admits he was 'in the tank' for McCain.


Because of John McCain this was
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Women, Are Palin-McCain Winning You Over?

They seem to think so.

Chris Matthews Slams Republican Cantor Over Economy

Chris Matthews is really getting after it on the economy, he is puuting these guys on the spot and Cantor had nothing. Great TV I love it.

  • Matthews slams Cantor

  • Obama going up in the polls

Sarah Palin Turns Out, Is Not Expert On Energy


McCain Campaign To Make Fiorina Disappear

She can hang out with Phil Gramm.

GOP Trying To Keep Foreclosed Homeowners From Voting

Because they don't have an address anymore...

Is Sarah Palin Obstructing Justice?

Sure looks like her and the Republicans are trying...

McCain Says People Who Want Regulation "Don't Know Anything About The Economy"

John McCain against regulation is now for it, Plus more McCain Blunders on the economy.

John McCain is such a Maverick that he bucks his own lines... what a feat.

  • Workers Chant Obama After McCain Speech and McCain Bucks his own policy.

  • Regulation is for those who know nothing about economics - John McCain

Wasilla Charged Sexual Assault Victims For Rape Kits While Palin Was Mayor

More and more of her record comes out everyday. Now it has come out that while Palin was Mayor, Wasilla was the only city in the state that charged sexual assault victims for the swab kits and forensics done on them. Also she now states the reason she fired the official is because he was trying to get money. Well he was trying to get money to help fight the states worst sexual crimes and crimes against children.

So if she didn't fire him for not firing the trooper, then she fired him for trying to get money to find dangerous criminals. Yeah she totally has our best interests in mind. Also that charging for rape kits is just deplorable.

Oh and did I mention Wasilla is also or was while she was Mayor, the Meth Capital of Alaska. Maybe if she hired qualified people instead of her friends (like Bush) the Meth problem might of been tackled. The more and more I hear of her, the more she sounds like a total political hack.

Sources - First link has the best info.

Bush Vs. Rubic's Cube & P.E.T.A. Vs. KFC

Be One Of The 50,000 New Donors For Obama By Friday

Want a look inside our strategy to win the battleground states?

I recorded a video on my laptop yesterday to brief you on the plan -- including details that haven't been shared publicly before.

Our fight in the battleground states is going to be tougher than a lot of you may think. Take Florida, where George Bush won by just 381,000 votes in 2004. The campaign we're running there is going to cost more than $39 million.

That can only come from supporters like you -- unlike John McCain, we don't take money from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs.

To reach our goal, we need 50,000 new donors by Friday at midnight.

And if you make your first online donation today, your gift will go twice as far. A previous donor has promised to match every dollar you donate.

A matched donation of $5 becomes $10, a donation of $25 becomes $50, and a donation of $50 will become $100. Watch the video and double your impact today.

Make a matched donation

This race has come down to a matter of weeks, and it could pivot on a few tremendously important swing states.

Supporters like you are strengthening this campaign in amazing ways -- voter registration efforts, organizing in your communities, and bringing folks into the political process like never before.

Barack and Joe can't win this without you.

Make a donation of $5 or more right now to provide the resources we'll need to make victory a reality:

This campaign is committed to winning in every state we can. But it's the support of folks like you that will decide this election.

Thanks for everything you're doing,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


Take A Trip To Nevada For Obama

Dear guy --

Help out in Nevada

There are less than 50 days to go before November 4th, and Californians have a major role to play as we gear up for Election Day.

Supporters like you have stepped up at office openings and events across the state to declare your support for Barack and take an active role in the campaign. But to win this November, we must continue building our organization across California and keep bringing folks into our grassroots movement -- not just here, but all over the country.

That's why we need your help. As an Obama supporter in California, you can make a huge impact by traveling to Nevada to talk with voters about why Barack Obama and Joe Biden will bring the change we need.

We have a real shot to win in our neighbor state Nevada, but the race is extremely close and you could make the difference.

We are organizing a special trip for Californians travel to Nevada and grow our movement there. Will you take a short trip to Nevada to make a big difference for Barack?

John McCain has made it clear that he intends to continue George W. Bush's failed policies. Just yesterday, he repeated his belief that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong."

Here in California, we know that's not the case. It shows how out of touch McCain is from what's going on in the lives of ordinary Americans.

The past eight years have been devastating for families in Nevada, California, and across the country, and it's time for us to say: Enough.

That's why we're going to be counting on supporters like you to take a leadership role and travel to Nevada, a crucial battleground, to spread Barack's message of change.

Face-to-face contact with undecided voters is the single most effective way to grow this movement. No experience is required, and we'll help you make the trip as easily as possible with either housing in Nevada or discounted group rates at an area hotel.

Sign up for a Drive for Change in Nevada and make a short trip to make a big difference:


Mary Jane

Mary Jane Stevenson
California Field Director
Obama for America

P.S. -- Camp Obama is a special opportunity for dedicated supporters to learn how they can play a bigger role in our campaign. If you're interested in learning the tools and tactics that could help Barack win this November, join us at a Camp Obama training session near you:


The Website Is Down

The WebSite Is Down

One of the funniest things I have seen in a while. Although I work in IT so it is especially funny for me.

McCain No Stranger To Tough Times In Economy

The last time our Country was in a large economic crisis caused by lack of regulation, like now, was the Charles Keating Savings & Loan Scandal in the 80's. Like now back then John McCain was a prominent fixture in the headlines. Except then it was because he got caught using his position on the commerce committee to interfere with the regulation and investigation into Keating's scam. McCain along with four other Senators were known as the Keating Five.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Keating Five, google it. Great insight into who he is, what he thinks about regulations, how close he gets to corporations , how he abuses his power, etc. You will find the type of person the Republicans are throwing out for President this year and probably a whole lot more.

Point is, the guy is a criminal. He wasn't young when he did that. He knew what he was doing and I guarantee our problems will be ten-fold with his boys running things. It would be Phil Gramm, Carly Fiorina, Lindsay Grahm and a whole host of other anti-regulation type champions, paving the way for even more abuse. Soon we (US) would be the ones filing bankruptcy. China would be re posessing our National Banks. John McCain would be blaming it on the Democrats and so on and so on.

Fact is the best economies happen under Democratic Presidents. I say we all do our best to make sure that happens in November.

An End To The Surge?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A major component of the decrease in violence in Iraq, is now being arrested.

John McCain Will Fix The Economy

Well that's what he says, it's not like he would lie or anything...

Palin Supporters Say Tanning Bed For Depression

Dick Cheney's Mad Dash To War


Sarah Palin's Lies Get More Bizarre

Sarah Plain's bizarre teleprompter lies and the Carly Fiorina effect.

Obama & McCain On The Economy

McCain wants a commission and Obama wants action and regulation.

McCain a self proclaimed De-Regulator is now stumping regulation...

Sarah Palin Vetoed Bill To Fund Special Olympics

Yet today she was on the stump touting her 'great' record in helping special needs children. Fact is she has vetoed bills that would help fund special needs children. I'm sure she cares about her special needs child, but yours? I think not so much...

McCain Wants A 9\11 Commission To The Fix Economy

Brilliant! Utterly and totally brilliant, because those Commissions work so fast and always get results.

The economy is fundamentally strong and we need a 9\11 Commission to fix our 'fundamentally strong' but 'broken' economy.

John McCain on the economy everybody let's give him a hand, or a finger.

Carly Fiorina Couldn't Run A Large Company Like HP Either

Because she was fired!

Company lost 60% of it's stock value, she fired tens of thousands of workers, and almost killed the Company.

She was the CEO and she was fired. So she can add herself to her list as well. I am very familiar with HP and their corporation and how they do business, and if John McCain can't run that company, he shouldn't even be a Senator.

John McCain And The Fundamentals

John McCain tried to explain away his recent comment that the economy is 'fundamentals strong' on the same day the DOW dropped over 500 points. But the truth is he has made that exact statement 22 times since January. That was no gaffe. That is what he believes and he has tried to hit that home 22 times this year so far.

The same people running the economy now, will be running it under a McCain administration. They just hope we all overlook that or think they will suddenly start doing it right. John McCain is not only out of touch, he must think we are stupid as well

Former FCC Chairman Blasts Claim That McCain Invented The Blackberry: He Is ‘So Out Of Touch’

Well now that McCain's aide has said he helped create the Blackberry, and has done great things for telecommunications. Some people have done some digging to see if McCain has actually voted to help telecommunications. Guess what they found?

He didn't, in fact he actually voted against a bill that would of increased the spectrum for Blackberry type devices. The campaign now has lied about him creating the Blackberry and his supposed support of telecommunications. I think he has Alzheimer's.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry, That John McCain Helped Create.

McCain Invented The Blackberry

You know when McCain was on the Commerce Committee in Canada, where RIM the Blackberry company resides. Oh wait... That's a total lie. He was on the Commerce Committee in America, not where Blackberry is made.


Lies about attendance at speeches

Lies about teleprompters breaking.

Lies about what he and Palin say.

Lies about Obama.

Lies about his relations with Bush.

Lies about what he has done in congress.

Lies about earmarks.

Lies about the bridge to nowhere.

Lies about the economy.

Noticing a trend yet?

Palin Allies Sue to Halt Trooper Probe

Well George Bush ... I mean Sarah Palin (hard to tell them apart) and fellow cohorts are doing the same old Republican dance, not paying any attention to the investigations into her wrong doings. If she was innocent then she should cooperate. Bottom line. She obviously knows she did wrong. But she must feel she is above law because she is totally ignoring it.


Babies For Barack

Kids as you may know, are an excellent judge of character. Obama has this cute little kid's attention that's for sure. Good policy will do that though...

Go Bama!

Joe Rogan Steroid Action Figure

Click To Enlarge

Joe Rogan is sooo Roided out. Total Jackass...

Fiorina: McCain Lacks Corporate Experience


This comes from one of his economic advisers, and a former candidate for his VP slot.

If your can't run a Corporation, how are you going to run a Country?

Quick video, the article above has both videos (better).

Adviser calls BlackBerry 'miracle' McCain 'helped create';jsessionid=084B139BAF96426944EE5096ADCCED5C

Taking the lies to a new extreme.

Tina Fey As Sarah Palin

Karl Rove: McCain Went 'Too Far'

A message from Obama...

Make a donation and double your impact Even Karl Rove had to admit yesterday that the McCain campaign's lies and negative attacks have gone "too far."

John McCain is running the most negative and dishonest campaign in modern presidential history. He has demonstrated that he'd rather lose his integrity than lose this election.

It's right out of the Bush-Rove playbook. Unfortunately, as Karl Rove knows better than anyone, these shameful tactics have worked in the past.

This year, we can't let that happen.

Our goal is to bring 50,000 new donors into our movement by Friday at midnight.

And if you make your first online donation today, your gift will go twice as far. A previous donor has promised to match every dollar you donate.

Double your impact right now. Your matched donation of $5 will become $10 if you donate today.

The culture of corruption and dishonesty that has hurt America so badly the last eight years is playing an even larger role in McCain's campaign.

Just this past week, John McCain hired a Washington super-lobbyist to fill positions in a potential McCain-Palin White House. At least 177 lobbyists have been on McCain's campaign staff, and apparently he hopes to run the White House the same way.

Also this week, the McCain campaign continued to repeat a number of outrageous lies, even after watchdogs in the media called them "shamelessly misleading," "thoroughly dishonest," and "a toxic mix of lies and double-speak."

They also lied about the crowd size at one of their rallies -- reporting 23,000 attendees when there were only 8,000.

McCain's campaign -- run on lobbyists and lies -- is no match for this unprecedented grassroots movement. More than 2,500,000 people have stepped up to own a piece of this campaign.

But if we want change, we must continue to grow this movement and put an end to these dishonorable political tactics. And we have just 50 days left to do it.

Right now, a previous donor -- an ordinary person just like you -- has promised to match your donation if you step up today.

Double your impact to combat McCain's dishonest campaign tactics -- make a matched donation of $5 or more today:

Thanks for all you do,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Former GOP House leader says Cheney misled him on Iraq

Monday, September 15, 2008

Better late than never ?

Dick is a lying little bastard. . .

Live From The Couch : News Is Wall To Wall "McCain Campaign Lies"

Every major news outlet tonight is talking about the lies John McCain and Sarah Palin have been saying the last couple weeks. I love it, finally he is getting called out. They are getting mighty upset too, because the reporters know what they are saying is not true, and when they ask him to clarify he (they can't talk to Palin) keeps lying about all of it. So they know its a lie and he won't admit it.

He better start working on another BB-Q. Because it looks like a good portion of the press might not be buying his 'straight talk' anymore, and might not give him the benefit of the doubt(like they have been) and start fact checking his ass more often.
That is great.

Nuclear Agency Says Iran Has Improved It's Enrichment;jsessionid=0BE731098AC18A1AC389A6D0B477E1DD.w6?a=230395&f=20&single=1

Now I wonder if Israel will attack before or after the elections. I also wonder if Russia will back Iran, whether it be after they are attacked or after they retaliate and we come to Israel's aid. That would really cause some problems. Either way not good, but almost plausible.

Palin 'Unlikely' to Meet With Prosecutor

Another article on the latest Palin drama. Little more info than the CNN article in the last post.

Sarah Palin Orders Gay's To Prayer Camps To Reverse Homosexuality

This is fake, But this could be a future news headline if America were stupid enough to vote for the McCain-Palin ticket.

The More You Know...

Palin Will Not Cooperate With Investigators;jsessionid=E8BCDC60E34383D07B29E4638B538C4D

Sarah Palin is blaming Obama for the public interest of an investigation into abuse of powers charges against her. The same investigation that was ongoing and scheduled for conclusion in October (like it is now) before anyone even thought she would be the VP pick.

Now all of a sudden that people are looking into it, it is now the fault of Obama. How convenient for her, now to get out of it she says its all politicized now. Although this was an issue before she even thought she would be the VP candidate.

Not cooperating with an investigation. Blaming it on Democrats. Hmmm sounds just like...

George W. Bush!

Sarah Palin : George Bush 44 ?

Like I said when I first heard what Sarah Palin had to say, and researched her policies. She is the female version of George W. Bush. Now the media is finally seeing it. I hope everyone else can too actually.

Burning World Trade Center Image On McCain-Palin Lawn Signs

Yes it is true, you will have to see it to believe it.

The Palin Bounce

She has gotten him a rise in the polls...

McCain-Palin : The Lies Continue

The press is getting fed up with the McCain-Palin lies...

John McCain Says Economy Strong; Dow Drops 500 Points

John McCain said today that the economy is "Fundamentally Strong". The very same day that the DOW dropped 500 points, Lehamn Brothers filed for bankruptcy, and Bank Of America bought out a failing Merrill Lynch. The things this man says make my head hurt. Oh and he quoted "Herbert Hoover" in talking about the economy today. There is no end...

The Palin-Whatshisname Ticket

Great article. Frank Rich is very good at getting to the bottom of things.

The Real McCain 2

Not sure if I posted this before...

Richard Wright : July 28, 1943 - September 15, 2008

Richard Wright : July 28, 1943 - September 15, 2008

Richard Wright, The keyboardist and one of the founders of Pink Floyd, lost his battle with Cancer today. He will be missed, But his great music will live on. Here is a little on Wright's influence,

In the early days of Pink Floyd, Wright was seen as a dominant musical force in the group (though not as much of one as Syd Barrett, the band’s chief songwriter and front man at the time) and he wrote and sang several songs of his own during 196768. While not credited as a singer on The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, he sung lead on Barrett-penned songs like "Astronomy Domine" and "Matilda Mother," as well as notable harmonies on "Scarecrow" and "Chapter 24." Examples of his early compositions include "Remember a Day", "Paintbox" and "It Would Be So Nice". As the sound and the goals of the band evolved, Wright became less interested in songwriting and focused primarily on contributing his distinctive style to extended instrumental compositions such as "Interstellar Overdrive", "A Saucerful of Secrets", "Careful with That Axe, Eugene", "One Of These Days" and to musical themes for film scores (More, Zabriskie Point and Obscured by Clouds). He also made essential contributions to Pink Floyd's long, epic compositions such as "Atom Heart Mother", "Echoes" and "Shine On You Crazy Diamond". His most commercially popular compositions are "The Great Gig in the Sky" and "Us and Them" from 1973's The Dark Side of the Moon. He also contributed significantly to other mid-period Floyd classics like "Breathe" and "Time".

Time to roll a fatty and listen to some Shine On You Crazy Diamond to pay our respects.


RNC Welcoming Committee

The State Of John McCain's Health

Is McCain's age a factor in the election for you?

Watch the video

The state of John McCain's health is an issue of grave concern for all Americans, regardless of political persuasion. Given the fact that he has been treated for an invasive melanoma and other maladies, it is important that he release his full health records.

For a very brief three hours in May, McCain released 1,173 pages of his medical records to a carefully selected group of reporters. They were not allowed to make any copies or phone calls. Why such secrecy?

We have enlisted a group of doctors from around the country to lead the effort to make sure the public is able to see and make judgments for themselves. Secrecy is not of service to our democracy, transparency is. Please have other doctors sign the open letter.

Watch the video and sign the open letter.

Cancer is a serious issue. That's why 30 medical doctors have already signed our open letter telling McCain to issue a full, public disclosure of all his medical records. Send this video far and wide to request that McCain release his full health records. Ask every medical doctor you know to sign onto the letter, and don't forget to sign the letter yourself! McCain's records must be made public and soon.

While McCain doesn't really care about our health care, we all should care about the health of McCain.

Robert Greenwald
and everyone at Brave New Films

Brave New Films is supported by members like you, please consider making a donation. You can get our latest videos on email, iTunes, RSS, Facebook, and YouTube here. To stop receiving the latest videos from us, click here. We are located at 10510 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232.

Will Sarah Palin Support Ted Stevens In His Re-Election?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Alaska's Senator Ted Stevens the king of 'Earmarks' is running for re-election. Sarah Palin who is now running an almost militant anti-earmark, and anti bridge to nowhere campaign, for which Ted Steven was responsible, would be again, undermining what she says and what she stands for. If she was to support Stevens. Now she hasn't yet but I'm curious to see what happens.

She has supported him every other time, So even if she doesn't publicly come out and support him at this time, she has every other time including earlier this year. The only thing that has changed now is that she is running for VP and has trashed his bridge to nowhere. That and his current trial upcoming she probably will not be making a public endorsement at this time. But like I said that did not stop her earlier this year during his primary and all times before then.

It would be really funny though if she did give a public endorsement, it would be fitting to her overall attitude about things.

NFC And AFC Championship Game Predictions



Saints Vs. Giants


Chargers Vs. Bills

I think the Giants are going back, and the Chargers are way too talented to miss it again. The Saints I feel have the best offense and the Bills I think are going to shock everyone.

Cutler and Denver worry me and could be in the mix for that game too. For now I'm sticking with what I got though.

How say you?