
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Barrack's VP Choice

I would like to see either Sam Nunn Or Jim Webb.

Or maybe Chuck Hagel? This would be interesting...


Hillary, "We Must Elect Barrack Obama!"

"We must elect Barrack Obama!" - Hillary Clinton June 7, 2008

Let me just say to hear Hillary Clinton say those words is very surprising, shocking really. I must commend her though because what she did was very hard to do, and she has earned back a little respect. At least from me. She still has not made up for that awful campaign but with today's speech she has started on the road to reconciliation. I will say I am very proud of her for finally showing the country that a woman can and will be President in America someday. Sadly for her a much better candidate was running this year. However I really just wanted to recognize Hillary for her great speech today and welcome her to the team. She has made the important first step to making this a united party for November. So thank you Hillary for not dragging this out and allowing Obama to go forward with your support. We will win this....

Yes We Can!

Update: Here is the Transcript for today's speech

Update 2: Here is the meat and potatoes of the endorsement...

The Horrible Saga Of Swap.avi

Friday, June 6, 2008
Oh the internet can be such a horrible place. The horrible saga of Swap.avi is like driving by a car crash. As much as you don't want to look, you can't help it. I had to share because, I went through it. I will warn you however it is not for a weak stomach. Happy Reading!

The Horrible Saga Of Swap.avi

This one I can file under I really really don't get it.

Oil closes at $138.54

Oil jumped up $11.00 today to reach $138.54 a barrel. Sources are saying that it could be at $150.00 a barrel by July 4th.

Good thing I have a Tahoe...

Download Day

Mozilla is going for a world record. Click the banner below for more information.

Download Day 2008

Cooliris & Piclens

If you have not seen these programs yet they are the best new extensions for FireFox I have found in a long time. They also have versions for IE and Safari. They are a must have!

You can find them both here


Firefox 3 Final Now Available 6/17/08

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Well after months of agonizing FireFox 3 is finally here. Until the final is released the current release candidate is available here:

Firefox 3 Rc2

It has so far worked great for me and i don't expect there will be much if any changes between this and the final. Although they thought RC 1 would be good for the final too. Final is supposed to be done by mid month. Guess we will find out.


Firefox 3 Rc3

Is now available with the final slated for Tuesday.

Update: Firefox 3 Final

I guess at one point today they had 233 files going out a second. Not too bad I think they should break the record they were going for today....

Obama "Talks" With Lieberman

It is about time someone showed some leadership and talked to Joe about his Republican ways...

"Returning to the Senate after his securing the Democratic presidential nomination, Obama and Lieberman greeted each on the Senate floor in the Well as they were voting on the budget resolution.

They shook hands. But Obama didn’t let go, leading Lieberman - cordially - by the hand across the room into a corner on the Democratic side, where Democratic sources tell ABC News he delivered some tough words for the junior senator from Connecticut, who had just minutes before hammered Obama's speech before the pro-Israel group AIPAC in a conference call arranged by the McCain campaign."

And what Dick Durbin had to say...

“Its a difficult situation,” Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, the Senate Democrats' Assistant Majority Leader and a major Obama backer, told reporters Wednesday, according to Roll Call. “Joe is my friend ... but I hope he doesn’t become the lead attack dog. Of course it’s a concern when someone in your Caucus is supporting the other party’s candidate. Let’s not try and sugarcoat it."

Lieberman agreed to caucus with the Democrats, who need his vote in the narrowly-divided Senate, in order to maintain power. But the Nutmeg stater is testing the patience of Democratic leaders by endorsing McCain and agreeing to speak at the Republican National Convention in September. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told MSNBC they would "watch very closely" how far Lieberman takes his advocacy.

Joe you need to go. Give up your committee chair's and go caucus with your Republican buddies.
Like you have been...

Victory! Barrack Obama Clinches

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Another Great Speech....

Ok so actually at the end it brought a tear to my eye. Never have had a persons speeches affect me ever. Has to be something to it.

Bo Diddley December 30, 1928 – June 2, 2008

A Legend who will be missed...

Uhh.. NumbNut??

Monday, June 2, 2008
Kids are rad...

Fired Up! Ready To Go!

This is awesome..