Iraqis say Americans shot woman without warning

Saturday, January 3, 2009;jsessionid=CD1A2DB0CCA5F96097130AC0FFB2A10A.live23i

This is what happens when you lower your recruiting standards and let in common criminals. You get people who do shit like that and give the rest of our armed forces a bad name. I don't even want to get started on the contract goons for hire we have out there...

4pecial needs patient left alone overnight on frigid bus

Friday, January 2, 2009;.live5ib

If he would of died, would her appointment of been worth it?

Manning joins Favre as 3-time MVP

Too bad he's going to get tore up against the Bolts this weekend, proving that this was a poor choice...

I hope I don't have to eat those words Saturday.

Chief justice pleads for higher judicial salaries

Thursday, January 1, 2009;jsessionid=898F15F38175A788FC46C40D07B71A86.live7ib

Typical, because its not about Justice its about the money...

I wonder if there is any way Obama can get rid of Roberts, Thomas, and Scalia...

8 Year Old Tears It Up On Guitar

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Senior Choir "Hey Ya"

So fricken funny...

Frozen beer lake forms after crash

Tuesday, December 30, 2008;jsessionid=7E4AFD1C892EB80202907A7B8C140582

Now there is sight...

Israel says it will Destroy Hamas

Monday, December 29, 2008,22282,601-24855649,00.html

Wow another Country decimating a Democratically elected Government. Poor Israel they steal other peoples land and then have to deal with them getting upset about it. Must be rough on them...

EPA: Rivers high in arsenic, heavy metals after sludge spill;jsessionid=83139DAC9190512939F7C1F949BA0AED.live5i

I think Bush relaxed all those EPA laws anyway so the levels should now be at the new legal levels right...

World rallies around Palestinians amid Gaza offensive;jsessionid=83139DAC9190512939F7C1F949BA0AED.live5i

This would be like us bombing Tijuana for shooting border patrol agents... I'm glad to see the rest of the world isn't blind to Israels actions though. I hope there are more and more protesters. I actually would love to see a bigger Country go in to Gaza and fire back on Israel for what they are doing to Gazan's, Karma...

'Toughest Sheriff' takes act to small screen

Sunday, December 28, 2008;jsessionid=124D517AC4406C815F3276F4452339CE.live7ib

This is an accident waiting to happen. Some actor or camera guy is going to get hurt or taken hostage by a desperate person in one of these.

Rice: People will soon thank Bush for what he's done;jsessionid=14BB4620342BF54DF9EE4534B6A939B5.live23ib

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h a ha ha ha...

Sounds like Condi is in need of straight jacket and a padded room.