Napolitano apologizes to veterans over 'extremist' flap

Saturday, April 25, 2009;jsessionid=1CF61427832BFD102A7B0ECD12A898C9.live23i

Apology? Why? Our troops are great but there are some who are extreme and that report was true. You can't hide the truth because it might piss off some people. Some of our troops are extreme, especially since we relaxed our requirements for people to join. We have gang members that are soldiers. Hiding the truth helps nothing, even if it is about our troops.

Ex-CIA chief: Obama risks national security

Sunday, April 19, 2009;jsessionid=351A907E3CCC76640E1FA9F34A8FF280.live4i

What a small, delusion al and pathetic man. If Obama does not prosecute, he opens the door wide open for this to happen again in the future. Just like this happened because Ford would not prosecute Nixon; Cheney and Rumsfeld saw they could get away with it. Well if Obama let's this go, crackpots like hayden will see they can just do it again in the future. If Obama does not at least investigate he will lose all my respect... This is not a time to be political. This needs to be done for Justice, for our Country's self respect and to Reverse the dark course Bush put us on...