Cake Or Death?
Prank Dialer - Prank Your Friends
Prank Dialer
Bush Calls Philippinos Good Cooks?
Oklahoma Machine Gun Festival
You have got to watch this.
Joe Lieberman Must Go
This is from the guy's over at Brave New Films. I agree 100% Joe Lieberman must go. It's time for Harry Reid to take away his chairmanships and send him packing across the aisle. It is one thing to support someones policies but to openly attack your party's candidate, I just don't see the point of remaining in the party after that. It is time for Joe Lieberman to go.
Dear Guy,Joe Lieberman is a war hawk, plain and simple. He staunchly supports George Bush's War in Iraq and John McCain's plan to stay in Iraq for 100 years. But Lieberman's new alliance with the Republican Party runs even deeper. He has endorsed and stumped for McCain, wants to be the star of the Republican National Convention, and has even served on a 527 group that smeared Barack Obama with a nasty attack ad.
And yet Lieberman still holds a top rank within the Senate Democratic Caucus as chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. The Senate Democratic Steering Committee needs to know just how much of a conflict of interest this is. That's why we created Lieberman Must Go.
Watch the video:
Here's what you can do: Sign our petition today and tell the Senate Democratic Steering Committee to strip Lieberman of his leadership role in Congress. Then, e-mail this video to everyone you know and spread it on sites like Digg and elsewhere.
Recently in Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall suggested that the best way to limit Lieberman is by encouraging the Steering Committee to render him powerless in 2009. Lieberman must go, and you can make that happen by donating to Brave New Films today.
Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Team---
Brave New Films is supported by members like you, please consider making a donation. You can get our latest videos on email, iTunes, RSS, Facebook, and YouTube here. To stop receiving the latest videos from us, click here. We are located at 10510 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232.
James Dobson And The Lies Of The Christian Right
James Dobson.... So James Dobson is saying that Barack Obama is twisting the bible. This coming from a man who has NO legitimate theological training and claims his focus is on the "Family" and not "Politics", hence his political statement on Obama. This is a man who has given great lines such as this...
September 11
After September 11 Dobson was asked whether "God withdrawn His protective hand from the US," Dobson is quoted as saying:
"Christians have made arguments on both sides of this question. I certainly believe that God is displeased with America for its pride and arrogance, for killing 40 million unborn babies, for the universality of profanity and for other forms of immorality. However, rather than trying to forge a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the terrorist attacks and America’s abandonment of biblical principles, which I think is wrong, we need to accept the truth that this nation will suffer in many ways for departing from the principles of righteousness. "The wages of sin is death," as it says in Romans 6, both for individuals and for entire cultures.
People for the American Way, "Right Wing Organizations: Focus on the Family
Mark Foley
The Mark Foley affair has "turned out to be what some people are now saying was a -- sort of a joke by the boy and some of the other pages" who came forward with sexually explicit instant messages that Foley sent.
Echoing Drudge and Savage, Dobson and Henninger claimed Foley scandal is "sort of a joke" and a "prank" by pages, Media Matters for America Oct. 6, 2006
Exchange between Larry King and James Dobson that aired on September 18, 2002 on CNN's Larry King Live
KING: Franklin Graham called Islam a very wicked and evil religion. More recently, he said that Muslim leaders haven't done enough to show their sorrow over 9/11. Do you agree with that?
DOBSON: Well, I certainly agree that many factions within Islam are very, very violent. I mean, how can we deny that? The war against the west and against Israel certainly didn't start with 9/11. For us, it began really in 1979 when the Iranians, you know, invaded the embassy there. And from that point on, they've been doing things like this, so there's a lot of violence within the Islamic faith.
KING: But you don't think the faith is violent? You don't think American Muslims are, by nature, violent, or Muslims are by nature violent or do you?
DOBSON: I think some Muslims are, but certainly...
KING: Well, some Christians are.
DOBSON: Yes, but that...
KING: There's a lot of killing in the name of Christ in history.
DOBSON: Yes, there has been down through the years, but I don't think that's the predominant factor. I mean, if you look at the teachings of Christ, the centerpiece is love. That's been the essence of what He has thought.
KING: Not Mohammed -- Mohammed did not teach love?
DOBSON: Not to that degree, no. There's a lot -- you know I'm not an expert on this subject. I told you that last time we were here, and so I can just give you my impressions about it. And there are very, very violent people within the Islamic faith. There are also some that are not violent.
CNN's Larry King Live Aired September 18, 2002 - 21:00 ET
"Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage. It will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth."
On gay marriage, from The Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 23rd, 2004
"Isn't it amazing that there's such a sizable number of people in the media and in the liberal community that despise this country and its freedoms, and they're doing everything they can to undermine it?"
Dobson vs Dobson, Media Matters for America Oct. 18, 2006
Focus on the Family and politics
"Here at Focus on the Family, we're not political."
Dobson vs Dobson, Media Matters for America Oct. 18, 2006
Child discipline
"[P]ain is a marvelous purifier. . . It is not necessary to beat the child into submission; a little bit of pain goes a long way for a young child. However, the spanking should be of sufficient magnitude to cause the child to cry genuinely."
From Dare to Discipline, pages 6 and 7
"Some strong-willed children absolutely demand to be spanked, and their wishes should be granted. . . [T]wo or three stinging strokes on the legs or buttocks with a switch are usually sufficient to emphasize the point, 'You must obey me.'"
From The Strong-Willed Child, pp. 53-4.
Palestine & Israel
Exchange between Larry King and James Dobson that aired on September 18, 2002 on CNN's Larry King Live
KING: You're an outspoken supporter of Israel. You and Bill Bennett, co-authored an op-ed piece on the subject, responding to a letter from a group of prominent Evangelical Christians who urged George W. Bush to employ an even handed policy toward Israel and Palestine. You don't want an even handed policy?
DOBSON: Well, I do. It depends on what you mean by that. I feel very strongly about Israel. You know it is surrounded by its enemies. And it exists primarily because God has willed it to exist, I think, according to scripture, but also, because America has stood with Israel. If we ever abandon it, it's gone. There are six million Jews in Israel. There are 400 million Muslims around them that hate them and want many of them -- hate them and want to drive them into the sea. And that is a major concern to me. It's the only democracy in the Middle East. Why wouldn't we support them?
KING: And the Palestinian people are the only people without a state...
KING: ... of any kind. Should they have a state? Do you agree with the president there? There should be a Palestinian state?
DOBSON: You know, here again, I'm not smart enough to figure out that conflict. That's been going on -- that's ancient. It goes way back. And I'm not sure that I'm -- in fact, I know I don't have the answer for that. But whatever the solution, whether it's a Palestinian state or whatever the answer to it is, it has to involve security for Israel. And that's where I make my stand.
CNN's Larry King Live Aired September 18, 2002 - 21:00 ET
Comments on Senator Leahy [Nov 7, 2004] between George Stephanopoulos and James Dobson on ABC's This Week:
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Dr. Dobson, the Daily Oklahoman, [you were] quoted saying, "Patrick Leahy is a God's people hater. I don't know if he hates God, but he hates God's people." Now, Dr. Dobson, that doesn't sound like a particularly Christian thing to say. Do you think you owe Senator Leahy an apology?
DR JAMES DOBSON: George, you think you ought to lecture me on what a Christian is all about? You know, I think -I think I'll stand by the things I have said. Patrick Leahy has been in opposition to most of the things that I believe. He is the one that took the reference to God out of the oath.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: But Dr. Dobson, excuse me for a second. You use the word hate. You said that he's a "God's people hater." How do you back that up?
DR JAMES DOBSON: Well, there's been an awful lot of hate expressed in this election. And most of it has been aimed at those who hold to conservative Christian views. He is certainly not the only one to take a position like that. But I think that that is -that's where he's coming from. He has certainly opposed most of the things that conservative Christians stand for.
DR JAMES DOBSON: No apology.
Now that your done digesting that...
James Dobson has done nothing but twist the bible his whole career. If this man is "Christian" then I am Christian (I am an Atheist). I have read the Bible and the things James Dobson says are not in it. He does not love his fellow man and when he got to the part where it says thou shall not judge, he skipped over it. This is a man who cherry picks and adds to biblical text to promote his ultra right agenda. He uses the Bible to coerce and scare people into believing if they don't listen to his moral authority they will go to hell. I'll say this, if there was or is a Hell James Dobson has a seat there waiting, based on his horrific statements and actions. I find it hypocritical and just plain abhorrent that he would even think to call out Obama after all the trash that has come out of his mouth. I really could go on about this forever. But it is a busy day for me and I must end this here. But for your own info I have provided several links that inform you on just a fraction of the things he has said and done.
John McCain : "I Didn't Love America..."
Not really a fan of verdict, but it was the only video I could find
How John McCain Plans To Use Fear To Win
John McCain on gas and the Enron Loophole
Of course there is also the $300,000,000 car battery...
Man this is almost all of Countdown last night, Busy day so this will be a video day...
Well I might as well add yesterdays worst while I'm at it, We will call this the Monday Countdown recap.
Bush Democrats : The Complete List
Just because these people are Democrats does not mean that they deserve their positions. If they can't live up to their Oath, they do not belong in office. Unlike the Republicans who almost always stand by their members regardless of what they have done, Democrats must not follow the Republican standard. If our members are not pulling their weight, they must go, Plain and simple. Our elected officials work for us and regardless of their party affiliation, if they are not voting in our best interests, they must be voted out. No one should be safe because of his or her party affiliation. You work for us or you don't have a seat in Congress. That is how it should be. That is how we can make it. In summary "Don't Vote Democrat, Just Because They Are A Democrat". Research them find out how they voted and how they intend to vote. Not all Democrats are created equal, don't make the mistake of voting the wrong one in.
I know I posted the site that has this, but for those who don't have the time to "click on stuff" here it is. The whole list of Democrats that need to go. Actual page is Here
1. Incumbent Bush Democrats who deserve primary challenges
Below is a list of Democrats who voted wrong on one or more crucial votes. Some are hard-core "Bush Democrats" while others simply join them from time to time.
By publishing this list, we hope to accomplish several goals:
- Persuade these Democrats to stop voting with Bush so we don't have to challenge them in a primary. Democrats who reverse their bad votes and genuinely embrace progressive positions will be
crossed off our list - Encourage progressive Democrats to run primaries against those who keep voting with Bush
This list began after 59 Bush Democrats voted against the McGovern Amendment on 5/10/2007 on the first key vote to end the war. Those 59 Bush Democrats voted for an endless occupation of Iraq despite overwhelming opposition from Democrats, Independents, and even many Republicans. The list has been modified since then to take account of other key votes since the original Iraq War vote on 10/10/02.
Key to Column Headings:
"B/R" ranks each district on a "Blue/Red" scale where 1=Strong Blue, 2=Leans Blue, 3=Tossup, 4=Leans Red, 5=Solid Red. In theory there is less "risk" in challenging an incumbent in a Blue district than a Red one, because the seat should stay Democratic regardless of who wins the primary. But each district and each race is unique, so that general theory may or may not apply.
"Incumbent" links to a page for each incumbent where you can discuss progressive Democrats who could challenge them in a primary, and other topics related to local political organizing.
"B/N" identifies Members who join the "Bluedog" (B) or "New Democrat/DLC" (N) caucuses. "Bluedogs" claim to support "fiscal responsibility," but these Bluedogs support a war that has already wasted an incredible $434 billion and driven budget deficits to record levels. "New Democrats/DLC" claim to support "national security" but the Iraq War has severely damaged our armed forces, undermined military recruitment, increased global terrorism, and alienated our allies. Those who play a leadership role with either group earn an asterisk (*).
"BDI" is the "Bush Democrat Index" which ranks all Democrats on their overall voting support for George Bush and the Republicans. It is the reverse of the Progressive Punch Index.
"Votes" identifies key votes where these Members voted wrong:
- ?: (Not in office when vote occurred)
- A: Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq on 10/10/02 (bad=support)
- B: Bankruptcy Bill on 5/14/05 (bad=support)
- M: Military Commissions Act on 9/27/06 (bad=support)
- I: Iraq Supplemental McGovern Amendment to end the war by 4/08 on 5/10/07 (bad=oppose)
- R: Andrews Amendment to block Iraq/Afghan funds for military strike on Iran on 5/16/07 (bad=oppose)
- X: Iraq Supplemental with unenforceable timetable on 7/12/07 (bad=oppose any timetable)
- W: Warantless Wiretapping on 8/4/07 (bad=support)
- C: Bi-Partisan Compact on Iraq to oppose any funding cuts 9/26/07 (bad=support)
- P: "Protect America Act" letter co-signer 2/08 (P voted against Democratic alternative 3/14/08)
"Primary Nominees" lists people whose names have been mentioned. If they are running and have a web site we link to their site. If we consider them priority candidates (whether or not they are running) we make them bold.
Dist | B/R | Incumbent | B/N | BDI | Votes | Primary Nominees |
AL-5 | 4 | Bud Cramer [retiring in 08] | B | 2 | ABMIRWCP | |
AR-2 | 1 | Vic Snyder | N | 49 | IXW | |
AR-4 | 1 | Mike Ross | B* | 26 | ABMIWCP | |
AZ-5 | 4 | Harry Mitchell | b | 59 | ?IRW | |
AZ-8 | 3 | Gabrielle Giffords | B | 79 | ?I | Jeff Latas |
CA-18 | 3 | Dennis Cardoza | B | 46 | ?BI | |
CA-20 | 2 | Jim Costa | B | 50 | ?BIWC | |
CA-28 | 1 | Howard Berman | 117 | AI | Rep. Cindy Montanez Rep. Lloyd Levine Mike Stettler | |
CO-2 | 1 | Mark Udall | 109 | I | ||
CO-3 | 4 | John Salazar | B | 56 | ?BMIRW | |
FL-2 | 4 | Allen Boyd | B* | 6 | ABMIRWCP | Rep. Al Lawson |
FL-16 | 4 | Tim Mahoney | B | 63 | ?IR | |
GA-2 | 1 | Sanford Bishop | B | 27 | ABMIR | |
GA-8 | 5 | Jim Marshall | B | 9 | ?MIRXW | Robert Nowak Jack Ellis George Carswell |
GA-12 | 1 | John Barrow | BN | 12 | ?MIRXWP | Regina Thomas 7/15 |
GA-13 | 1 | David Scott | BN | 52 | ?BMIR | |
IA-3 | 3 | Leonard Boswell | B | 20 | ABMIWP | |
IL-3 | 1 | Daniel Lipinski | 76 | IW | ||
IL-8 | 4 | Melissa Bean | BN | 37 | ?BMIRWP | |
IN-2 | 3 | Joe Donnelly | B | 29 | ?IRW | |
IN-8 | 4 | Brad Ellsworth | B | 30 | ?IXWP | |
IN-9 | 4 | Baron Hill | B | 32 | A?IW | Gretchen Clearwater 5/6 |
KS-2 | 4 | Nancy Boyda | b | 88 | ?I | |
KS-3 | 3 | Dennis Moore | BN* | 47 | ABMICP | |
KY-6 | 3 | Ben Chandler | BN | 55 | ?BMIW | Sen. Ernesto Scorsone |
LA-3 | 3 | Charlie Melancon | BN | 15 | ?BMIRWP | |
MD-2 | 1 | Dutch Ruppersberger | 68 | ?BI | ||
MD-4 | 1 | 94 | AB | Donna Edwards | ||
MD-5 | 1 | Steny Hoyer | * | 83 | ABI | Paul Pinsky |
MN-7 | 4 | Collin Peterson | B | 3 | ABMIW | |
MO-4 | 5 | Ike Skelton | 5 | ABI | ||
MS-4 | 5 | Gene Taylor | B | 1 | ABMIXWC | |
NC-2 | 2 | Bob Etheridge | N | 48 | ABMIW | |
NC-7 | 3 | Mike McIntyre | BN | 7 | ABMIW | |
NC-11 | 3 | Heath Shuler | B | 23 | ?IRWP | Sen. Martin Luther Nesbitt Rep. Susan C Fisher Rep. Ray Rapp |
ND-0 | 4 | Earl Pomeroy | B | 33 | ABMIWP | |
NV-1 | 1 | Shelley Berkley | N | 67 | AIR | |
OH-6 | 3 | Charles Wilson | B | 140 | ?IW | |
OH-18 | 4 | Zack Space | B | 57 | ?IRWP | |
OK-2 | 4 | Dan Boren | B | 4 | ?BMIRXWCP | |
PA-4 | 3 | Jason Altmire | 25 | ?IRW | ||
PA-10 | 5 | Chris Carney | B | 43 | ?IRXWP | |
PA-13 | 1 | Allyson Schwartz | N | 145 | ?BIR | Chuck Pennacchio |
PA-17 | 5 | Tim Holden | B | 11 | ABMIRXP | Sen. Michael O'Pake |
SD-0 | 4 | Stephanie Herseth Sandlin | BN* | 36 | ?BMIRWC | |
TN-4 | 3 | Lincoln Davis | B | 13 | ?BMIWCP | |
TN-5 | 1 | Jim Cooper | B | 24 | ?BIWP | |
TN-6 | 4 | Bart Gordon | B | 18 | ABMIW | |
TN-8 | 1 | John Tanner | B | 8 | ABMIRWCP | |
TX-9 | 1 | Al Green | 167 | ?BI | Rep. Alma Allen Rep. Hubert Vo | |
TX-17 | 5 | Chet Edwards | 17 | ABMIW | ||
TX-22 | 5 | Nick Lampson | B | 34 | A?IRWC | |
TX-23 | 3 | Ciro Rodriguez | 75 | ?IW | ||
TX-27 | 2 | Solomon Ortiz | 14 | BI | Juan Garcia | |
TX-28 | 1 | Henry Cuellar | bN | 19 | ?BMIRW | |
TX-29 | 1 | Gene Green | 43 | AI | Sen. Mario V. Gallegos | |
UT-2 | 5 | Jim Matheson | B | 10 | ABMIXWCP | Mayor Rocky Anderson |
VA-9 | 5 | Rick Boucher | 38 | ABI | ||
WI-3 | 2 | Ron Kind | N* | 66 | ABI |
2. Republican districts and open seats where progressive Democrats are running against Bush Democrats
Dist | B/R | Incumbent | Progressive | Bush Democrat | Notes |
CO-04 | 4 | Marilyn Musgrave (R) | Angie Paccione | Betsy Markey | Musgrave is an outspoken GOP homophobe and Paccione nearly beat her in 2006. Markey is a former Republican backed by Bush Democrat Ken Salazar. |
IL-14 | 4 | Dennis Hastert (R) - retiring | John Laesch | Bill Foster | |
OH-02 | 4 | Jean Schmidt (R) | Victoria Wulsin | Steve Black | "Mean Jean" Schmidt is infamous for her vicious attack on the patriotism of former Marine John Murtha (D-PA). Wulsin nearly beat Schmidt in 2006. Black is a Republican running as a Democrat. |
WA-08 | 3 | Dave Reichert (R) | Darcy Burner | Rodney Tom | Burner lost to Reichert by only 3% in 2006 after running an outstanding netroots campaign. Tom served two terms as a Republican state representative before switching parties and winning a State Senate seat. Despite his switch, Tom "brags about his Republican past and has a considerable record of financially supporting Republicans and voting for their issues in Olympia." |
3. Progressive Democratic incumbents who are being challenged by Bush Democrats
Dist | B/R | Progressive | Bush Democrat | Notes |
OH-10 | 1 | Dennis Kucinich | Rosemary Palmer | Kucinich has led the battle against the Iraq War since Bush rolled out his "marketing plan" of pre-war lies in September 2002. Now Palmer is attacking Kucinich because he doesn't support her incoherent "floating timetable for withdrawal." |
TN-09 | 1 | Steve Cohen | Nikki Tinker | Cohen is an outstanding progressive Freshman who won Harold Ford Jr.'s open seat in 2006 by beating cousin Joe Ford Jr. in the Democratic primary and brother Jake Ford in the general election. Religious right ministers want to defeat Cohen because he supported the Hate Crimes Bill H.R. 1592 and they are likely to support Nikki Tinker, Harold Ford Jr.'s former campaign manager, who came in 2nd to Cohen in the 2006 Democratic primary. |
Let's Replace the Bush Democrats
Here is some contacts to let our Government know we will not stand for the weakening of our Laws and Constitution. Info below is from
No More Betrayals: Let's Replace the Bush Democrats
On Thursday and Friday, the American people were betrayed twice by House "Democratic" Leader Steny Hoyer (right) and his Bush Democrats.
On Thursday, 80 Bush Democrats voted to give George Bush another $163 billion to occupy Iraq and plunder its oil for another year, even though 68% of Americans want to bring our troops safely home this year.
And on Friday, 105 Bush Democrats voted to give immunity to George Bush and the telecoms for illegally wiretapping American citizens even before 9/11, and to allow Bush and the telecoms to keep doing it - thereby shredding the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.
We're mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it any more. So let's take the Democratic Party back from Steny Hoyer and the Bush Democrats.
With your support, we will replace each one with an "Aggressive Progressive" Democrat who will bring our troops home from Iraq and fulfill their solemn oaths to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
And we're starting today with John Barrow (GA12), who betrayed us on both votes. Watch Barrow pledge his complete devotion to George Bush during Friday's warrantless wiretapping debate.
Georgia's primaries are on July 15 - just 3 weeks away. And Barrow is facing a dramatic primary challenge from State Senator Regina Thomas.
Thomas doesn't just look different, she thinks different. She wants to bring our troops safely home from Iraq immediately. And here's what she told me on Friday:
"I was really appalled at the actions of Congress and especially my Congressman from the 12th District in Georgia, John Barrow, for voting in favor of the Bush-Republican surveillance bill that would make it very easy, without a warrant, to wiretap any American citizen."
On Friday, Regina Thomas became our first endorsed candidate of 2008. And that was not just because she's an "Aggressive Progressive," but also because she can win.
In Georgia's Democratic Presidential primary on February 5, 70% of the voters in GA12 were African-American. Thomas isn't running on her race, though, but rather her record of accomplishment over 12 years in the state legislature. This has Barrow running for his political life by avoiding every chance to debate Thomas because he simply cannot compete with a real Democrat.
In a few hours, our endorsement raised over $1,176 from 31 donors. Today we'd like to raise $10,000 by encouraging 1,000 of our 500,000 subscribers to contribute $10 each directly to Regina Thomas's campaign.
Can you help? 2005-6, we raised nearly $80,000 for pro-impeachment House candidates through ImpeachPAC (and helped elect Keith Ellison in MN05), so I know what we're capable of.
Let's send a message to Steny Hoyer and his Bush Democrats: that the Democratic Party belongs to us, not to George Bush. And starting today we're taking it back.
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik
___________________ Sponsored message
Last year, Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) launched to persuade Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Judiciary Chairman John Conyers to hold hearings on Rep. Dennis Kucinich's 3 Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney.
Last week, Rep. Wexler was the first Democrat to co-sponsor Dennis Kucinich's 35 Articles of Impeachment against George Bush (see below).
Now it's our turn to support a Democratic hero by pre-ordering Congressman Robert's Wexler's new book Fire-Breathing Liberal. Last week, members pushed Fire-Breathing Liberal right to the top of Amazon best-seller list. Let's do it again and show Washington that Robert Wexler speaks for us!
Kucinich's 35 Articles of Impeachment - 5 Co-Sponsors and Growing...
On June 9, Rep. Dennis Kucinich made history on the floor of the House by reading 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush, now H.Res. 1258.
In just six days, over 25,000 of you emailed your Representatives to co-sponsor the 35 Articles: first three co-sponsors were Robert Wexler (FL19), Lynn Woolsey (CA06), and Barbara Lee (CA09). On Thursday, they were joined by Tammy Baldwin (WI02) and Maurice Hinchey (NY22).
The charges presented by Rep. Kucinich are so serious that every Member of Congress should demand Judiciary Committee hearings by becoming a co-sponsor.
Here's what you can do to persuade your Representative:
George Carlin : Comedic Legend
May 12, 1937 - June 22, 2008
Another tragic loss today with the passing of George Carlin. He was one of my favorite comedians and a pioneer in comedy. His rants and raves were hysterical and his no-nonsense type of common sense was hard to ignore sometimes. He was like a watcher of people a constant social commentary that was absolutely hilarious to listen too. He will be missed but his material will live on forever. RIP George ...
Drawn Together Please Come Back...

To continue on the great cartoon theme Drawn Together, while twisted and offensive on all levels, was one of my favorites. Perfect for my dark sense of humor. I really wish they would bring it back. I really miss all their offensive exploits.
Comedy Central - Drawn Together
This is one of my favorites. Season Two - Clum Babies
The Veggie Fables
South Park Studios
For those of you unfamiliar with this great cartoon, this site has all the episodes, full unedited versions even, for free. So if you love South Park or want to see what it's about this site will let you see every episode. Full and Uncut. Check it out
South Park Studios
Campaign Switch-Up : John McCain's New Karl Rove

Faced with the fact this year that he will probably lose the election. John McCain Hired the former head of the Super Adventure Club to head his campaign. Citing his remarkable prowess for getting people to do things they don't want to do (Using a little twirly contraption seen above), McCain highlighted the move by showcasing some of his talents, saying "The former S.A.C. Head was able to woo Chef away from south park and we need help in Colorado". McCain's Campaign said that his marketing campaign is so effective it's almost like mind control. I guess we will see if the gamble pays off...
Chuck Todd For Host Of "Meet The Press" Campaign
I guess if people really wanted Chuck Todd to be the new host, they could start something like this. Have people contact MSNBC Here and voice their preference for Chuck Todd as host. This is something that could be done, Don't you think?
Just Sayin...
If this sounds like a good thing tell them ... Here
If they were thinking about him, viewer feedback could give him a boost. I just want to see Tim Russert's work continued in the same fashion or as close too it as is possible.
Update : So Tom Brokaw will be the temp. moderator during the election. I kind of disagree, I think Chuck Todd would be even better during this period (and beyond) especially since besides Tim Russert, Chuck Todd understands this election better than anyone. I know NBC wants to take their time. But I think the choice is clear now, why wait.... Chuck Todd for Moderator!
Todays Meet The Press With Brian Williams
Update : Lindsay Graham is a Jackass...
Update2 : Oh man Joe Biden made Lindsey Graham look like the Jackass he is. Totally shut him down. Some transcripts and video Here
Here is another video I found. The Crooks & Liars Piece above is also worth a look.
Funny Games
A Politely Twisted Good Time.
Meet The Press : New Host Thoughts
This has been a topic I have not been too excited to talk about. I know no host will ever be as great as Tim Russert. I do however think that he found himself a great replacement. A person who is almost or just as level headed as Tim. A person who's political genius has really shown through this year. Tim Russert found this guy and it is almost ironic that the year Tim passed is the same year this person really started to shine. He has proved himself accurate and fair and I think Tim might of had him in mind if he should ever leave. It is the only person I can really see taking his spot and giving it the amount of respect it deserves (Sorry Keith Olbermann, Your my number two). His name? His name is Chuck Todd. Some might not of heard of him. If you watched the Democratic Primaries at all on MSNBC then you already know him. This is the choice I think, I really can't see anyone else doing it but him. I guess we will see.
How say you?