Voting rights law under high court review

Friday, January 9, 2009

Well considering the Supreme Court is loaded with right wing assholes I'm sure this law will go down. Yay out of touch way too conservative court...

House to vote on resolution supporting Israel

Thursday, January 8, 2009;jsessionid=3665DD5C3FA5FB6CA6024A25660EA00A.live23i

Jackasses... This is why Pelosi has to go. Not only is she on the wrong side but I think more important things could of been voted on. This is just to please their Jewish donors. Its almost as if Israel owns our Government...

Woman suspected of witchcraft burned alive

Oh I thought this was going to be about Sarah Palin's Church...

U.N. Suspends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip

And yet the world continues to stand by and watch this all happen... So if your friends with the right people you can slaughter whoever you want I guess. Funny if Venezuela or Iran or North Korea were to do anything like what Israel has done already we would be attacking them and yelling at the top of our lungs...

Man Wants 1.5 Million For Kidney He Gave Cheating Wife

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh man...

Army sorry for 'John Doe' letters to relatives of war dead;jsessionid=311C8E03C3C1310D657C7E7E3B953EEE.live23ib

This is horrible, but it doesn't surprise me. I don't think anything the Bush Administration can do anymore that would surprise me. We will be cleaning up his crew's mess for Years.

Back to the article though, how do they get up there and say all they do about supporting the troops and their families and then allow this type of thing to happen.

12 more Days....

Panetta pick as CIA chief under fire

Tuesday, January 6, 2009;jsessionid=DB584DDB26DB7E5C60084CC775CDD4C5.live5ib

I guess these people saying the CIA head should be from the CIA to be effective are forgetting about Porter Goss. Some of the best managers I've known were not experts in the fields they managed. But they managed people well and got the most out of them and used the people with the experience they lacked. Their arguments are unfounded and probably based on ideology more than anything.

Video of California police shooting spurs investigation;jsessionid=DB584DDB26DB7E5C60084CC775CDD4C5.live5ib

They shot him in the back while he was on the ground and another officer was on top of him. And they call it an accident???

CNN's Gupta approached for surgeon general;jsessionid=447F513FAFC5ADDCCC8AD15EB98346A1.live23i

This is a terrible choice I think. Too many times I've seen old Sanjay on the wrong side of arguments. To the point that I consider him to be some News Hack. This guy is NOT surgeon general material.

Stooges guitarist found dead;.live23ib

The really sucks...

Horrors sow seeds for future violence Update

Monday, January 5, 2009;jsessionid=3E75A566596C3102EE5393365BCA1BE1.live4ib

I forgot the other reason Israel is allowed to slaughter the Palestinians. The wing-nut Christians who believe that Jesus will come back as soon as the Jews have taken over Israel and rebuilt their temple. Wing-nut Christians like GW Bush and many more very rich very influential people. To them jesus will not come back until the arabs are forced out, the Temple of the Rock is torn down and the Jewish Temple erected in its place. So they sit back and watch, waiting for Israel to achieve their goal. Of course they can't publicly support the slaughter of the Palestinians and when it gets real bad and enough Countries start complaining then we step in and ask Israel to cool it a bit. But their inaction and mild statements make it very obvious. And yes many people in our Government feel this way at least on the Republican side and some Democrats. They watch and wait and let israel do what they do hoping quietly that they will succeed. I find it disgusting personally.

Israel is allowed to do what it does because of guilt and because of powerful people's religious beliefs. Beliefs that if Israel can purge arabs from the area and rebuild their temple, that Jesus will return and take them to heaven. This I guess is worth the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians, Arabs, Lebanese and Iranians by Israel over the last 60 years. Oh and the theft of all that land.

Until someone steps up its just going to continue. Until someone tells Israel that the honeymoon is over and they either give up the land or face sanctions. Declare their nuclear arsenal or face sanctions. This is never going to get better until America gets tough with Israel...

Gaza horrors sow seeds for future violence;jsessionid=6A227AE99D6D131C09E8C575EAF64886.live4i

Israel has caused its own problems. By keeping and settling Palestinian land and killing massive amounts of civilians in their raids they have effectively kept a steady stream of youth that watched their families get slaughtered and now completely hate Israel. They are doing it now, by their attacks now they are cementing people firing rockets at them indefinitely. These kids see what israel has done to their families or them and grow up resist Israels occupation in violent ways. Israel could end this right now. Give back their lands and pull out their troops and leave their illegal settlements. The Palestinians just want their land, their Country, their identity back. But Israel is greedy and they won't give it up. Their greed is to blame. Their greed and their sense of entitlement. That they are owed because of what has happened to their people. Well their actions are and have been totally inappropriate and it is the worlds guilt that has let this occur. Yes it was horrible what happened to Jews. But now they themselves are becoming the Nazi's. Taking land they claim should be there's, trying to make it so Israel is only a Jewish state. Kinda like how hitler wanted a white state and kicked out or killed the jews. Well the jews now want their own Jewish state and are killing or kicking out Palestinians who they do not like.

There is no excuse for Israel's actions or for anyone who has sat by all theses years while Israel has slaughtered its neighbors civilian population. The world has sat back and out of guilt, let it continue. Is their not any Country that will stand up for the Palestinians rights? Take Israel to task for its actions. Make them finally follow International law and declare their Nuclear weapons. Stop their Illegal settlements? Or will we just sit back while Israel does whatever it wants? Its really sad...

Leon Panetta New CIA Head

"We have preached these values to the world. We have made clear that there are certain lines Americans will not cross because we respect the dignity of every human being. That pledge was written into the oath of office given to every president, "to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution." It's what is supposed to make our leaders different from every tyrant, dictator, or despot.

We are sworn to govern by the rule of law, not by brute force.We cannot simply suspend these beliefs in the name of national security. Those who support torture may believe that we can abuse captives in certain select circumstances and still be true to our values. But that is a false compromise. We either believe in the dignity of the individual, the rule of law, and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, or we don't. There is no middle ground.

We cannot and we must not use torture under any circumstances. We are better than that

- Leon Panetta

Great to see these type of thoughts in our Government again...

Palin Mother In Law Arrest Was Delayed For Politics;.21?view=page8&feed:a=newsday_1min&feed:c=topstories&feed:i=44356210

So Sarah Palin had the arrest of her Mother in law delayed until after the election was over. Guess she didn't want people to know she palls around with tweekers. It also proves just how shady and how much of a liar she is. The lady is a out of control dumpster fire and she actually wants to run for President. I wouldn't let her run a drive thru at a McDonalds but that's me. Obviously people in Alaska will elect anyone.

Saudi Arabia urges action over Israeli "barbarity"

They have a really good point...

Minn. board expected to announce Al Franken winner

Norm Coleman is expected to throw a temper tantrum and cry...

NFL Falcons' Smith voted as coach of year

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'm sorry but Sparano should of won. They went from 1-15 to the playoffs. That's better than what Atlanta did. Plus Sparano did it with more new starters than any other team. Bad choice just like the MVP award.