Angry senator wants pay cap on Wall Street 'idiots'

Friday, January 30, 2009;jsessionid=06C78286B30355687C26995087311D59.live23ib

Finally. Hey all those millions in bonuses could go to pay employees so they could keep their jobs.

Smashing Pumpkins : Rock On

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Real Numbers On Tax Cuts & Infrastructure; One More Time

I have to post these numbers again, just so people can take a good look at what the Republicans are saying about their uh good 'Ideas' . . .

These figures are based on $$ returns for every $1 spent.

So, Tax Cuts give you $0.27-$1.29 for every $1 spent.

Spending gives you $1.36-$1.73 for every $1 spent.

Which do you want? I personally will take both, But I want a huge chunk to be Infrastructure spending.

Fiscal Economic Bank for the Buck

One year $ change in real GDP for a given $ reduction in federal tax revenue or increase in spending.

Tax Cuts
Non-refundable Lump-Sum Tax Rebate 1.02
Refundable Lump-Sum Tax Rebate 1.26

Temporary Tax Cuts
Payroll Tax Holiday 1.29
Across the Board Tax Cut 1.03
Accelerated Depreciation 0.27

Permanent Tax Cuts (This is what Republicans say will fix our economy)
Extend Alternative Minimum Tax Patch 0.48
Make Bush Income Tax Cuts Permanent 0.29
Make Dividend and Capital Gains Tax Cuts Permanent 0.37
Cut in Corporate Tax Rate 0.30

Spending Increases
Extending UI Benefits 1.64
Temporary Increase in Food Stamps 1.73
General Aid to State Governments 1.36
Increased Infrastructure Spending 1.59

Review Of Bush's Fiscal Policies

Impact Of Fiscal Stimulus

Well, Scribd wont show it but the link below still works if you want to read, pretty interesting stuff. Some good facts and figures.

Mark Zandi On Business Tax Cuts; More Facts & Figures

Mark Zandi On Returns & Tax Cuts

Tax Cuts Do Nothing

In congressional testimony last year, Zandi said tax cuts delivered the least bang for the buck, with a dollar's worth of temporary nonrefundable rebates worth $1.02 with a one-year lag. Permanent tax cuts yielded less than 50 cents of additional spending.

That's the return for the Republican solution

Which forms of stimulus provide biggest return?

Which forms of stimulus provide biggest return?

Thu, Jan 8 2009, 17:38 GMT

Jan 8 (Reuters) - President-elect Barack Obama offered up a few more clues on Thursday about what sorts of programs he would like to see in a record-large economic stimulus package.

In a speech in Fairfax, Virginia, Obama said he intended to invest in energy, education, health care and infrastructure. He did not put a price tag on the stimulus plan, but his economic team has been eyeing a package in the $675 billion to $775 billion range, and it could move higher.

It will probably take until early February for Congress to hammer out the details, but economists already are weighing in on what types of spending generate the biggest economic returns.

Here are some of their ideas on proposals that are likely to be part of the stimulus package.


Obama campaigned on promises for a middle-class tax cut, and said on Thursday that 95 percent of working families would receive a $1,000 tax break. He also proposed extending benefits and health care coverage for the unemployed. The total tab for tax cuts may reach $300 billion.

Lowering taxes puts money in consumers' pockets quickly, but economists worry that with uncertainty running high, many households will choose to save rather than spend the money. While most economists would like to see the U.S. saving rate rise from its current low level of 1.2 percent, a sudden jump in savings would deepen the recession.

Many economists are pushing for targeted benefits such as food stamps or extending unemployment benefits. Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's, estimates that every dollar dedicated to increasing food stamps puts $1.73 into the economy. Increasing jobless insurance benefits typically gets a return of $1.64 per dollar. (

Obama also is expected to support tax cuts for businesses, which would raise corporate profits and may help the stock market. Unless the economy recovers quickly those tax reductions would probably do little to encourage companies to step up hiring and investment, Deutsche Bank economist Peter Hooper said.


Obama has promised the nation's largest-ever public works program to help boost the economy and create jobs. Economists generally favor infrastructure spending, but the downside is that it takes longer to pay off and can miss its mark if political interests lead to too many unnecessary pet projects.

Obama acknowledged such concerns in his speech, urging Congress to "put the urgent needs of our nation above our own narrow interests."

Zandi estimates that infrastructure spending returns $1.59 for every dollar spent.

In congressional testimony last year, Zandi said tax cuts delivered the least bang for the buck, with a dollar's worth of temporary nonrefundable rebates worth $1.02 with a one-year lag. Permanent tax cuts yielded less than 50 cents of additional spending.


State budgets have taken a huge hit from falling property and sales tax revenues, and governors have urged Obama to help. According to Zandi's estimates, the return on that investment is $1.36 per dollar spent.

Adam Posen, an economist with the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said helping states bridge budget gaps would help keep teachers and police officers on the job. (

The more people stay in their jobs, the more they are able to pay mortgages, auto loans and credit card bills, and the more likely they are to continue spending.

For a story on Obama's speech on the stimulus plan, please click on.

(Reporting by Emily Kaiser, Editing by Andrea Ricci) Keywords: USA OBAMA/STIMULUS

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Which Gives A Better Return? Infrastructure Or Tax Cuts

Its not Tax Cuts. Here is the video about the Breakdown of what we get a better return on our money for, Infrastructure or tax cuts.

Israel must investigate charges of crimes in Gaza: U.S.

Well this a start to holding Israel accountable...

Stimulus bill moves to Senate, where GOP wants compromise;jsessionid=7BDEC40BAE192BAE2BB1FA77C8F74571.live23i

Who really cares what the Republicans want? Their ideas are what got us in this mess and I think Americans clearly voted against their horrible ideas. Why they think they need a say so bad just keeps getting to me. The clearly don't get it. Their ideas are a FAILURE plain and simple. We voted in Democrats for their ideas and to fix what the Republicans screwed up, so when are Republicans finally going to get it? Maybe if we all called them they might...

Army to report record number of suicides;jsessionid=293410527351454ADD4B5EB230E54F17.live23ib

Guess we are seeing how well the Bush Administration actually supported Our Troops... Not anywhere near what they needed.

House Defeats Delay on Digital TV

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Did Republicans get together and form a list on how they could fuck the American people and ruin our Country??? Cause that's the path they seem to be following. Oh its good for regular americans? Well then we oppose it...

Game could rest in the all-world hands of two receivers

Tuesday, January 27, 2009;jsessionid=8AD00973AEF910C748928CBA1023B936.cnnsilive9i

Ok, this article should of been about Boldin and Fitzgerald, but it wasn't. Fitzgerald is great but he is not the best receiver on his team. Hines is great too, but he is not better than Boldin. So this article should of been about Boldin and Fitzgerald. I think though in the Super Bowl, if they throw to him, Boldin will show he is the best receiver on his team and on that field on Sunday.

Obama, congressional GOP strive to bridge gap on stimulus plan;jsessionid=5BF24B166B8C778E41BAEF75C524FC7A.live5ib

Its funny listening to the Republicans talk like they have the only ideas that will help. When it was those ideas that got us in this mess and it was those ideas that the American people voted against on Nov. 4th. Yet they don't get it, they still believe they have the only answers when their answers have been nothing but failures...

GOP: 'whatever it is, we're against it';jsessionid=4AD4E1FECFD88936D43CA8C809D6451E.live4ib


Global Warming Is Irreversible:Study

Monday, January 26, 2009


Disgraced pastor Haggard facing new sex allegations;jsessionid=C4DF5EF77A5DDB7FB9D9E0EB026A48BB.live4i

Hahahahaha I thought he had prayed the Gay away....

Rove Gets Subpoena

Throw him in jail...

Michigan man, 93, froze to death indoors

See this is what happens when we Privatize services that people need. Prices go up and well...

Obama Directs Regulators To Start Making Regulations

Well if they have to retool the way they make cars and do business then they might as well start doing it right. I have no sympathy they knew this was coming and it should of been a priority a long time ago...

Lawmakers push government 'garage sale';jsessionid=7DD999E903BD0A044F22ACA840ADFA3E.live23ib

Ahh yes the Republican version of reforming Government is privatizing everything. So friends of Republicans can buy everything that people need and then charge us up the ass for it. Making them richer in the process...

Republicans your 'Solutions' and reform only help 2% percent of our country yet you continuously lie and misrepresent what you stand for and try and tell working folks that your lies and ideas are in their best interests. The fucked up thing is you find all kinds of people to believe you, especially in the middle states. Wake up people ans smell the crap Republicans are trying to sell you...

Vick deserves another NFL opportunity??

Sunday, January 25, 2009

No he doesn't...

Israel prepares legal defense of soldiers;jsessionid=3182763E8942E9FDEFB6E19814D36946.live5i

Hey look what Bush started. Now everyone is above the Law. These are the dangerous Precedents that have been set by the Bush Administration. Israel now thinks no laws can touch them. The Bush Administration part 2. This is why we must Prosecute Bush and his friend for their war crimes. If we don't Country's like Israel will just follow his lead like they are now. Israel must be Prosecuted, Bush and Co. needs to be Prosecuted, Bottom line. We have no alternative if we are to maintain respect for International Law..