When we do find life, what kind of effect on religious views will it have I wonder...
Go back to sleep
Lay your head down child
I won't let the boogeyman come
Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums
Pay no mind to the rabble
Pay no mind to the rabble
Head down, go to sleep
To the rhythm of the war drums
Pay no mind what other voices say
They don't care about you, like I do, like I do
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils,
See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do.
Just stay with me, safe and ignorant,
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep
Lay your head down child
I won't let the boogeyman come
Count the bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums
Pay no mind to the rabble
Pay no mind to the rabble
Head down, go to sleep to the rhythm of the war drums
I'll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and all your demons
I'll be the one to protect you from
A will to survive and a voice of reason
I'll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and your choices son
They're one in the same
I must isolate you
Isolate and save you from yourself
Swayin to the rhythm of the new world order and
Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
The boogeymen are coming
The boogeymen are coming
Keep your head down, go to sleep, to the rhythm of a war drums
Stay with me
Safe and ignorant
Just stay with me
Hold you and protect you from the other ones
The evil ones
Don't love you son,
Go back to sleep
We have made the world 'Freer'
Freer?? 5 more days, 5 more days
Senate to vote Thursday on rest of bailout
It sucks congress is going to punish Obama because of how Bush handled the money. Especially when it was them that voted for the Bill that almost no oversight in it to begin with. They hand it over to Bush and then suddenly get over reactive when responsible people need the rest to clean up after another Bush robbery. Obama is going to have to do with this money what should of been done in the first place. And the Republicans...
Israel gains in media blitz, but for how long?
Imagine if a group of people took your land, kept you starving and lacking the basic necessities you need to survive leaving you isolated on this tiny patch of land. What if these people killed thousands of your people what would you do to get your land back if no one else in the world would help you reclaim what is rightfully yours?
Report: U.S. rejected Israeli plea to attack Iran
Is this supposed to prove that we say no to them sometimes?
Israel calls for 'further patience' to meet Gaza goals
They just need a little more time, and they will have them all slaughtered. So they ask for just a little more patience so they can continue their goal of mass murder. And the world will...