John McCain Will End Deficit In First Term With Iraq Win

Monday, July 7, 2008
What? You Don't Believe Me?

Yeah you heard right. I think now he is just really desperate and just saying things. Anything that sounds good. I mean how could ANYONE take this guy seriously? Really...

Just remember this was the BEST of the Republican pool. He won out over the rest of them. All I have to say is I hope he keeps it up. At the same time he also again contradicted previous past statements. Like his fast forward speech when after his 4th year we would be starting to come home from Iraq. Now we have won it by then and killed the deficit at the same time. He just keeps getting better and better, in his mind.

You go John tell us how everything will be fixed as soon as we win in Iraq. By the way didn't someone tell him or didn't he learn in Vietnam that there are no winners in war. You stop killing and work towards some sort of resolution. But there are no winners in war... EVER

It takes a real leader to realize that...

When you go around talking about war like it's a sport that can be won, as many Republicans and Democrats have, I think you need a reality check.


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