McCain No Stranger To Tough Times In Economy

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The last time our Country was in a large economic crisis caused by lack of regulation, like now, was the Charles Keating Savings & Loan Scandal in the 80's. Like now back then John McCain was a prominent fixture in the headlines. Except then it was because he got caught using his position on the commerce committee to interfere with the regulation and investigation into Keating's scam. McCain along with four other Senators were known as the Keating Five.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Keating Five, google it. Great insight into who he is, what he thinks about regulations, how close he gets to corporations , how he abuses his power, etc. You will find the type of person the Republicans are throwing out for President this year and probably a whole lot more.

Point is, the guy is a criminal. He wasn't young when he did that. He knew what he was doing and I guarantee our problems will be ten-fold with his boys running things. It would be Phil Gramm, Carly Fiorina, Lindsay Grahm and a whole host of other anti-regulation type champions, paving the way for even more abuse. Soon we (US) would be the ones filing bankruptcy. China would be re posessing our National Banks. John McCain would be blaming it on the Democrats and so on and so on.

Fact is the best economies happen under Democratic Presidents. I say we all do our best to make sure that happens in November.


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