Wasilla Charged Sexual Assault Victims For Rape Kits While Palin Was Mayor

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
More and more of her record comes out everyday. Now it has come out that while Palin was Mayor, Wasilla was the only city in the state that charged sexual assault victims for the swab kits and forensics done on them. Also she now states the reason she fired the official is because he was trying to get money. Well he was trying to get money to help fight the states worst sexual crimes and crimes against children.

So if she didn't fire him for not firing the trooper, then she fired him for trying to get money to find dangerous criminals. Yeah she totally has our best interests in mind. Also that charging for rape kits is just deplorable.

Oh and did I mention Wasilla is also or was while she was Mayor, the Meth Capital of Alaska. Maybe if she hired qualified people instead of her friends (like Bush) the Meth problem might of been tackled. The more and more I hear of her, the more she sounds like a total political hack.

Sources - First link has the best info.


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