It appears this is the new Republican fear scheme. Before it was be afraid terrorists will get you, vote Republican or else because the Democrats are terrorist apeasers. Now its be afraid the Democrats are going to spend you into the poor house. Vote Republican and we will save the economy.
Well they were in control of the economy and that's why it is failing right now. Not to mention the facts are out there, spending gives us more for our buck than tax cuts period. Spending will increase jobs more than tax cuts period. The Republicans cannot bring themselves to admit their solutions and ideology have failed and rather than admit it they are digging in their heels and getting more aggressive with their bad ideas. This isn't about helping the people for them, its about their egos and trying to prove they are right. It is them begging for the control they once had. It is almost like a giant temper tantrum, if we can't have what we want then no one will.
Any good economist will tell you that spending is what the economy needs. In times like this we cannot count on the private sector to spend their tax breaks on what's right. Our infrastructure is failing and rebuilding our infrastructure helps business and creates jobs bring money to the people who in turn purchase goods that help business to hire more people and so on. Only a fool would give corporations huge tax breaks on top of the ones Bush gave them and expect them to all of a sudden start doing what's right and creating more jobs. They didn't do it with the previous cuts and they aren't doing it now. When the private sector fails Government has to take over and regulate that the money goes to where it should.
If people want something to blame, blame greed because that and poor policy and deregulation is what caused this and continues to make things worse. No corporation is going to rebuild our schools and roads and bridges. Tax cuts will not create jobs, spending on our infrastructure and energy solutions and medical aid will. When more americans have jobs and are making money them more americans are paying taxes and helping to chisel away at the money that went to create all those jobs. Tax cuts would not help with new jobs or help with the deficit. The deficit is paid off with taxes and less taxes means less money to pay the deficit which even without spending will grow with interest.
Republicans count on people not knowing economics so it is easy for them to say scary things and blame and get people to believe them nd have doubt. Even though the same solutions they suggest now are the ones that have failed for eight years now.
They are trying to scare you, flat out. There is no fact behind what they are saying. The only tool Republicans have left in their tool box is fear and they are using it right now. Just like they used it to invade Iraq. Only now they are using it in desperation because they see their way of doing things and clout and control slipping away. Don't let Republicans take the Country down with their ideas. Don't listen to their be afraid rhetoric at all...
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