Arrest soon in Chandra Levy murder case, mother says

Saturday, February 21, 2009;jsessionid=750D9F6232B447E0F4F83358B9B09A93.live4i

I don't buy it. Condit worked closely with the prison system. He easily could of had her go there knowing of the crimes that had happened before. Condit had something to do with it.


Rickahyatt said...

They're saying they're about to arrest Chandra's murderer, but they're NOT saying it's NOT the Gary Condits. Go to to see why I am able to say that. He just is trying to make out that he's been successful, once again, in doing what he always does, that is to say, utilize government data bases (His high-level police and political connections and protection) to find the perfect patsy to frame for the event, in advance, like the Salvadoran guy.

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