Palestinians: 1,300 killed, 22,000 buildings destroyed in Gaza

Monday, January 19, 2009;jsessionid=448487788E41E0A610743B19CD8931BD.live19j

Israels goal, to destroy as much of the civilian population and infrastructure as possible. Their thinking in this is if you make things bad for civilians they will rebel against their government (Hamas). Only problem is this has been Israels only way of dealing with the issue. So when they destroy the civilian population and infrastructure like they have been. It only solidifies the population behind Hamas. If you want people to abandon Hamas you have to make the peoples living conditions better than Hamas has provided. Then you will start to get the backing of the people. The thing is that Israel doesn't want to part with any land. They would rather just systematically destroy Gaza to the point that people won't want to live there. And the World is sitting by watching them do it.


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