Bristol Palin: Poster Child For Contraception Education ?

Friday, September 5, 2008
Sarah Palin believes in abstinence only sex? education. She believes sex education should not involve education on contraceptives. She also believes there should not be a planned parenthood.

So obviously abstinence only education does not work. Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter Bristol proves that. If she had been taught to use contraception her and her boyfriend might of not gotten themselves in their little predicament. Teenagers will have sex believe that no matter what their beliefs are, leaving them unprepared and uneducated is not the solution.

I say make Bristol Palin the posterchild of how abstinence only education does not work and teenagers need to be taught about contraception during sex education. Also planned parenthood is a very needed service. I don't care what anybody says. It helps many people.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree!

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