John McCain Tries To Divert Attention From The Issues

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
This should come as no surprise to some, but John McCain, Knowing that he cannot compete when it comes down to the issues of concern. Is trying to keep everyone's attention focused on Wes Clark's comments and some of Jim Webb's. I guess he figures if he keeps the press busy by blowing those comments all out of proportion, They won't have time to ask him about the real issues. For one thing there is nothing to apologize for. Wes Clark rephrased the question into his answer. His answer was totally legit and did not call out McCain's patriotism or service record in the least. It is pathetic, so pathetic. The lengths that McCain and the Republicans have and will go to win is beyond comprehension sometimes. I really hope people are paying attention to this. Which is mostly why I post this. If I can enlighten even a couple people to news or news sources they were not aware of, Then I'm happy. Information is power. A power we all should have and wield with Authority.

Now some video...


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