Obama administration keeps Bush view on Afghanistan detainees

Friday, February 20, 2009

It was my understanding that the foundation for any Democracy must include fair Justice. The Obama Admin is making a mistake. The rules are very clear and excuses don't cut it. If those people are suspected then evidence should be brought forward and they should be charged. If not holding someone that's suspected indefinitely is not justice. You cannot try to promote justice around the world and then not follow it yourself or twist it to fit your needs. If we are to have other people accept Democracy we need to be what they look up too. The policies we practice now are the policies of Dictators and tyrants all in under the Guise of protecting us from evil. Evil? Has anyone walked through east LA? Americans are very good at protecting themselves. We shouldn't be scared or them scare us. We do not need to twist what's right to protect ourselves. Doing what's right is what will ultimately protect us.


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