John McCain & Friends : Clayton Williams

Monday, June 16, 2008

My Friends, It seems our good friend John McCain was supposed to have a fundraiser tonight at the home of a Texas oilman and friend, Clayton Williams. A man who while running for Governor said this about rape,

“As long as it’s inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it.”

He also had this to say about his opponent Ann Richards, while relating her to a cow he said he would,

"head her and hoof her and drag her through the dirt."

So now funny enough McCain is canceling or setting for a later date the fundraiser. Looks like McCain might have some problems finding women to vote for him hanging out with such open minds as Clayton Williams. So for all you women who were thinking about voting for John McCain you might want to think again. Not only has McCain voted against breast cancer research bills (although this one could be conceived as cherry picking through his votes.) but McCain also opposes Roe vs. Wade. Plus with friends like Clayton and the rumors of him (McCain) calling his wife a "trollup" and a "cunt" in front of Secret Service. Seems to me just one of the many reasons why John McCain should not be President .. Or so I think.

Official story is Here

Update: McCain's campaign is also refusing to give back or donate the money ($300,000) to charity, that was raised or donated by Clayton himself thus far. Guess that counts out future monies too? You know, after they hold the fundraiser when no one is looking.

I did want to point out that the reason I am highlighting this is not so much about McCain's fundraisers. Because I realize that is an easy topic to go after politicians on because some they have no control over. I mean Obama had Rezko donating money to his Senate campaign. But the reason I bring this up as an issue is because, Clayton Williams views and statements have been around for 18 years or more. Those statements were made in 1990. The scary thing is about how his advisers did so little to prepare by vetting this man. John McCain is running for President of the United States of America. Where preparation will be more important than ever and the ability to choose people who can help you prepare thoroughly for world leaders, and world and national issues is of huge importance.

If McCain or his staff cannot even prepare and vet a fundraiser properly, who's house McCain will be holding the event at I might add; where McCain will be personally. What does that say about what his time in office would be like? Would he or his staff give some deal to a shady world leader because he or they failed to research him correctly?? This is a failure on all levels and if the campaign knew and overlooked these statements just for the money than that is even worse. So what I am saying is these issues not only are about the people he keeps company with but also the failure of him or his staff to properly research and prepare for the people he deals with. Because these inadequacies will be even more magnified if he were to be elected.


Anonymous said...

nice pic:

Pappalardo said...

That is too funny...

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