I'll See Your Palling Around With Terrorists & Raise You A Keating Five

Sunday, October 5, 2008
If John McCain and Sarah Palin are going to make baseless claims about Obama palling around with terrorists, then the DNC or Obama needs to bring up a big Fact about John McCain.

He was one of the main members of the Keating Five. He helped financial institutions steal money and ruin the lives of countless Americans. The last time our economy was in such a crisis John McCain was right in the middle of it. By helping steer away investigations into all the illegal behavior. He should never of been able to remain an elected official, let alone run for President.

If John McCain wants to hit with lies and mistruths, then Obama should hit back with the truth. The truth that John McCain is nothing more than a criminal who has voted against the interests of regular people his whole career. A man that has lied about his bravery in prison camp, a man that has been second from last in everything he has done. A man that was ushered through life on the merits of his father and grandfather. A man whose reckless behavior caused countless deaths on the U.S. Forestall. A man who has made more misquotes, mistatements, outright lies, contradictory statements and lies when confronted than any politician I have seen. A man who sat on the bull horn in prison camp spouting communist propaganda at other prisoners for an easier time in prison camp, contrary to what he states to everyone. A man who admitted he would do anything to win the White House. A man who jokes about bombing countries. A man who has been nothing but a disgrace to this Country and the people he represents throughout his whole life.

A vote for this man would be Suicidal for America flat out. He wants to fight with lies? Obama needs to fight with the truth, and there is 72 years of it to get out.

Although what should be happening is talking about what the policies are and what they are going to do. McCain however has no substance to run on so all he can do is attack. So if Obama must attack back, there is much Fact at his disposal.


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