McCain - Palin 08

Friday, August 29, 2008

Well McCain is walking the line. Picked Sarah Palin of Alaska. This pick smells of desperation. My guess is that this pick was made this morning. last night I would bet Romney or Pawlenty were the choices, Then Obama gave his speech. How can you top that? Pick an unknown woman to go after disafected Hillary voters. This I think will fail. She has far less experience than Obama, So it will be hard for McCain to go after him now on that with a running mate who has even less. I think this is a pick of desperation and probably will fail.

Her other big qualification I guess is she was runner up for Miss Alaska??

Like I said Desperation is in the air...

If McCain were to win, This would be our President if he (McCain) dies??

Ok can you just imagine the debates between her and Biden? This is going to be great. I wish Tim Russert were here to see this.


Anonymous said...

Uh, so we are one faint McCain heartbeat away from having a President that 8 years ago was a City Councilwoman in a city of 25,000. Governor for less than 2 years??? Not whom I want to sit at table with World Leaders

Anonymous said...

She's a great choice!
Pro life
Pro gun
Pro national security

Will give Clinbton Democrats a choice!!

Anonymous said...

And Barrack is soooooooooooooo experinced give me a break 2 ars ago he was a community organizer!@!

Pappalardo said...

2 years ago he was in the senate... Get your facts straight.

Pappalardo said...

Clinton democrats that vote for McCain are not clinton democrats. They are liebermann republicans. Clinton has made it clear Obama is her choice.

Anonymous said...

So, now how can McCain say another word about Obama not being "ready" to be President? His age NOW IS a factor. This nice woman is first term governor of one of our smallest states. The choice is obviously NOT about who is prepared to lead.

Anonymous said...

Tell me what experience Obama brings to the table, 1 term Senator, In bed with felons and exactly what is Change???? Has anyone found out yet.... Ya bunch of Jealous Idiots bloging here.. My guess is that the Democrats hair is rising on their backs and you can see it in this Blog. Hey Hillary How do ya like Obama now! LOL

Anonymous said...

Last I checked, McCain was running for president, not Palen. By the way, Barry has ZERO executive experience and has done close to nothing as a legislator. I think he is a perfectly intelligent guy and seems like a good person for a politician, but he is short on experience and leadership. Not that any of this matters, you're really voting for party platforms not individuals.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The real question is who wins a game of one on one between Palen and bench rider Barry. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Its a meat and potatoes girl vs harvard educated privileged snoot. She has the same amount of time in office BUT she's is a govenor!. In my book a 2yr govenor is by far better qualified to lead the country than a 2yr senator. A govenor deals with real issues. This is a strategic move to attract obama and hilary supporters and it is a smart move. I would've prefered romney but this is not bad. She's is also familiar with energy issues and dealing with independently minded individuals. I like!

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Romney is highly competant but perhaps not best suited to be a politician in this day and age. Good choice.

Pappalardo said...

Change was outlined last night in at least 29 specific policy initiatives. John McCain and you Republican commentators today are reeling. Reeling from the fact that Barack will be your next President.

Pappalardo said...

So the delusional wing of the Republican party has set up shop in this posts comment section. You guys thus far are so misinformed and so wrong on all your points, I have to wonder if your really that uneducated section of Hillary voters that wants Obama to go down. Why don't you stop making false statements for a minute and go research your baseless comments.

Anonymous said...

It's certainly possible, but it increasingly looks like this race is going to be close. Hard to imagine, given what should have been an enormous built in lead for Barry at the outset of this election.

Anonymous said...

This smells like Bush and Harriet Myers - selecting a totally inexperienced and unknown candidate to sway a coveted voting block. McCain is trying to think up the most outrageous way to eclipse Barack's great speech last night. Absolutely pathetic. Now I really have nothing to worry about. Dems we'll be back in the White House in a couple of months. Repubs, get ready. A lot of things will be changing.


Pappalardo said...

Here is Pat Buchanan saying how Beautiful Obama's speech was and how it was the greatest convention speech ever...

Anonymous said...

From what I am hearing she has impeccable integrity-what do you mean no expereince she is a governor...she is a take action gal-read her accomplishments-Remember when the governor of California, nothing but an X actor became our president??? What do you say to that!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's something for you to chew on if ya like U-Tube so much........

Pappalardo said...

Not too many women getting behind a Pro-Life candidate. You see most women like to do what they choose with their bodies. Not have some crazed religious zealot force their beliefs on an entire Country.

Pappalardo said...

You know what I see right here? Total and complete Fear by the Republican electorate. You guy's might be talking tough, But you are scared. Scared because you know your candidate does not have a chance in this election. You know he cannot compete on the issues. So you just keep trying to hit at his character. Meanwhile Obama will be winning the election on the issues and making History in the process.

Bash all you want, America is getting a Black President this year and there is nothing you can do to stop it. The people are speaking and the people will speak in force on NOV. 4th. Your time of ruining the country will soon be over Republicans.

I could not be happier about that either.

Anonymous said...

your ass

Pappalardo said...

Ha! exactly what I was saying

That all you got.. "your Ass"

Wait is that Tucker Bounds? Sounds like a McCain campaign line...

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there something called seperation of Church and State? Or did I miss something in my history class?


Pappalardo said...

Also for anyone thinking of responding that America is a Christian Nation, I ask that you go read the Treaty Of Tripoli, for clarification on the stance of America regarding religion. Written by our founding fathers no less.

Anonymous said...

Come Nov 4,

I am going to play Sam Cooke's A Change is Gonna Come


Anonymous said...

Face it McCain will win this election by a Landslide.....................

and we will all sing together... Another One Bites the dust!

Anonymous said...

This was my response to Barack's speech last night

Now I have been having feelings about Barack lately, but after reading his plan for the country, I am so excited. We are living in a time where tommorrow is uncertain. The country is moving apart in different directions and we need a man who is not tied to anyone or anything to pull us back together. And in my opinion it is Barack Obama. Tonight he has made me so proud and excited on so many levels it would take me so long to name. To see a Black man coming from the bottom and rising to levels that I or anyone thought he would is unbelievable. Barack represents all of us - Black, white, the young, old, straight, gay, catholic, muslim - a man who sees the good in all of us and realizes that in order for America and the world to move forward, we have to be whole, not in parts. I know that MLK as well as my fallen Idols Malcolm X and St Augustine are looking down smiling. We as a people need to realize that Barack is the only realistic option that we have to save this country before it continues down its path of becoming a cauldron of hate.

As of tonight, I am pledging my time to help Barack, my people, and my country realize this dream - electing not only a Black man in office, but a true 21st century man. A a forward thinker who lead us to brighter and better days.

Like Malcolm said, "Freedom is something you have to do yourself" -


Anonymous said...

I am so tired of the Repbulican Religous Right..I don't want anyone taking my rights away. Voting Repblican will take yours and my rights away, with all my power I will work hard to be sure Barack Obama is elected our President.

Anonymous said...

The chosen one is an american hater and appeals to haters of our country.
His list of friends and major influences:
* Rev. Wright: "my spiritial mentor" (!)
* God damn america: the US performed 911
* Bill Ayers (unrepentant terrorist whose group bombed +20 american targets documented by the government)
* his father: abandoned his mother and never had anything to do with Barry's upbringing; a radical extremist who hated the US
* Tony Rezko: criminal; low income housing developer in Chicago skimming funds from government grants; now in prison; the messiah had taken cash deals from Rezko for political favors (documented)
* He is the most liberal member of the senate by record
* He is the worst in protecting human life and is on record for voting for murdering a child born alive from a botched abortion.

Da man is freekin evil!
As an american citizen (legal), I don't give a hoot about what other countries or the UN has to say about our presidential candidates.
This is not a fasion contest as the democrats would prefer. None of their beez wax - get a life or a country for that matter. US tax payers are not going to pay taxes for a one world government - no way hosea!

Pappalardo said...

Well it is obvious that the McCain campaign has the uneducated demographic on it's side. Clearly evident in the last comment. A little education might give you a different viewpoint. John McCain is certainly counting on the support from the uneducated, because they do not have the intelligence to fact check him. The last commenter is clearly in this uneducated demographic, and I am sure McCain would be pleased that you actually believe to be true what you just wrote. It is the people like you who keep his campaign alive.

Which is why Obama is so focused on education...

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