McCain Owes America An Alzheimer's Test

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Here is a message from Let's get McCain to take an Alzheimer's test, from the way he forgets what he says, I'd say he already has it..., the Aggressive Progressives - 500,000 strong and growing!

McCain Owes America An Alzheimer's Test

While Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama were rocking the Democratic convention in Denver, John McCain made his 13th appearance with Jay Leno to joke about his age.

But McCain's age is no joke. He will turn 72 on Friday and would be halfway to 73 if elected and sworn in on January 20. That would make him the oldest first-term President ever, two years older than Ronald Reagan. He has survived four skin cancers (melanomas), including one in 2000 that was classified as Stage IIa.

McCain is two years older than his father was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. He is 11 years older than his grandfather was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at age 61.

The United States cannot afford the risk that McCain would die suddenly in the middle of an international crisis.

Nor can we afford the risk of dementia. 22% of Americans over 70 are affected by mild cognitive impairment, while 13% of Americans over 65 have Alzheimer's. Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at age 83, but early signs were evident during his first term. Britain's "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher developed dementia at age 75.

McCain has never had an Alzheimer's test, even though he has 6 of the 10 warning signs , including his inability to remember recent facts like the number of homes he owns, the $1M lawsuit he filed in 1990, or the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

John McCain owes America a thorough test for Alzheimer's and cognitive impairment long before Election Day.

Sign our petition to the Corporate Media:


Intelligence Committee Hearings on Iraq War Lies

The body of evidence proving George Bush deliberately lied to Congress and the American people about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is overwhelming.

According to Ron Suskind's new book The Way of the World , Iraq's intelligence chief Tahir Jalil Habbush met with intelligence agents from Britain's MI6 in Jordan in the run up to war. Habbush told MI6 that Iraq possessed no WMD or WMD programs. Richard Dearlove, head of MI6, flew to Washington in late January 2003 to deliver this information directly to George Tenet. Soon afterward Tenet briefed the highest levels of the Bush administration on Dearlove's report, including President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Bush responded: "Why don't they ask him to give us something we can use to help make our case?"

CBS reported a similar story about Naji Sabri Ahmad Al-Hadithi, Iraq's foreign minister. Newsweek reported a similar story about Hussein Kamel Hassan al-Majid, Saddam Hussein's son-in-law and head of the WMD program in 1991 when all WMD's were destroyed.

Iraq's lack of WMD's was confirmed by the CIA, the IAEA, UNMOVIC, the Russian government, and the French government.

The Senate and House Intelligence Committees have never held hearings on all the well-placed sources who reported Iraq had no WMD's. To honor the U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians who have died for WMD's that did not exist, we urge immediate hearings. Sign our petition:


Are You Registered to Vote? Are You Sure ?

Republicans are working quietly to steal another election by disenfranchising Democratic voters, just as they did in 2000 and 2004. So please make sure you are registered to vote!

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