Obama Speaks Before 200,000 While John McCain Rewrites History

Thursday, July 24, 2008

When I say rewrites history I mean literally rewriting what has already happened. This and more great stuff in today's Countdown Recap. We have Obama in an impressive speech in Berlin. Also an excerpt of a Brian Williams interview with him right after, and I got to tell you it's great it's unscripted and it really shows how genuine he really is.

I guarantee anyone with any doubts about what his intentions are will or should be able to put them to rest by watching this. There is no wild blinking and awkward cackles like you see with John McCain, like a puppy waiting to see if hes done good. Instead today you saw a passion an unblinking, unwavering, confident discussion with the World on how we can all come together. It was unprecedented for a candidate of any type.

It is impressive I can tell you that. Sadly John McCain is breaking down. Slandering Obama in a sad attempt to get some attention. Saying he(Obama) would rather lose a war and risk our country's safety, than lose an election. Pretty much calling him a traitor. This from the man who promised no negative campaigning. He is pretty much starting out going as low as you can go. Well there is lots of other good stuff too, it's a good one...

Obama In Berlin, Brian Williams Interview.

Obama responds to McCains slander

McCain attempts to rewrite how the Surge started.

Duncan Hunter wants to shoot (himself) the endangered Wildabeast in Africa, and feed them to natives.

Robert Novak hits old man and leaves in his corvette.

Bushed! FEMA wants immunity, State Dept. tells employees in Germany they can't go to Obama speech.


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