George Bush And His 90 'De' Regulations

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Very quietly George Bush is working on 90 Government Regulations before he leaves office, most to do with de-regulating almost everything. Some of the notable ones are...

De-regulating violations of the 4th Amendment.

Allowing local and state law enforcement to spy on anyone and everyone, even if no criminal activity is suspected or if the person has no criminal record. Just because.

Make it easier for Federal agents to ignore the endangered species act.
Weaken workplace safety restrictions.

Allow Uranium mining 4 miles from the Colorado river.


For the last 8 years George Bush has done nothing but Violate our Country and our Constitution. Playing out his sick daddy issues at the expense of the People and Government he was ... Appointed to lead and the laws he was supposed to protect. Trying so hard to outdo his father he actually made his fathers term seem like paradise.

George W. Bush has without a doubt been the worst President thus far. I would not even call him a President. He was more like a tyrannical wanna be Monarch. That is how he 'ruled', as George the Decider.

We still have sixty nine days of George Bush violating our Country and our laws. I mean mining for Uranium 4 miles from a huge water source??? Local law enforcement gathering intelligence on citizens??? I just hope we can fix what he has destroyed.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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