Cindy McCain Stole Drugs From Charity

Monday, September 8, 2008
Cindy McCain with all the millions of dollars she has and still had at the time, Stole drugs to feed her addiction from a CHARITY. A Charity, she could of used her money to get her drugs elsewhere. She stole so many they noticed. This is the type of person she is.

John McCain POW loves his country so much he helps thwart the investigation of Charles Keating and causing harm to many Americans in the process. He is a criminal, not a hero. This is the type of person John McCain is.

All he is trying to do is put lipstick on a pig. Him being the pig and Sarah Palin and his supposed 'Maverick' status being the lipstick. Fact is, he is still a pig and that lipstick should of been Joe Lieberman if he was a 'maverick' and for Palin I think her very extreme views (God wants her to drill and was for Iraq,jail for abortion,secession,creationist, etc.) will be apparent soon.

John McCain is banking on people taking what he says on face value. If you look at what he has actually done, you'll find his record does not match what he says. Truth is, unless he has early Alzheimer's he lies every speech he gives, and he is almost always wrong on his true record.

An Iraq Veteran at the RNC yelled out McCain's true voting record on Veteran issues while McCain was speaking, McCain called him static, ground noise. That is who John McCain is.


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