Hillary, "We Must Elect Barrack Obama!"

Saturday, June 7, 2008

"We must elect Barrack Obama!" - Hillary Clinton June 7, 2008

Let me just say to hear Hillary Clinton say those words is very surprising, shocking really. I must commend her though because what she did was very hard to do, and she has earned back a little respect. At least from me. She still has not made up for that awful campaign but with today's speech she has started on the road to reconciliation. I will say I am very proud of her for finally showing the country that a woman can and will be President in America someday. Sadly for her a much better candidate was running this year. However I really just wanted to recognize Hillary for her great speech today and welcome her to the team. She has made the important first step to making this a united party for November. So thank you Hillary for not dragging this out and allowing Obama to go forward with your support. We will win this....

Yes We Can!

Update: Here is the Transcript for today's speech

Update 2: Here is the meat and potatoes of the endorsement...


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